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Freya is a 27 year old Icelandic female. She was captured in 1982, on the South West coast of Iceland. After capture, she, along with 4 other whales went to a tiny Aquarium in Iceland. Shortly after that, 3 of the whales were shipped to Canada, and a few months later, Freya and Kim (a young male captured with her) were sent to Marineland France. At the time, Freya was around 7 years old, with Kim being around 4.

In early 1990, Freya and Kim were joined by 2 young Iceland whales, Sharkane and Tanouk. Sharkane, the female, was immediately the dominant whale, and immediately did not get along with Freya. So the whales were usually kept separated, Kim and Freya, Sharkane and Tanouk.

Once she reached maturity, in 1990, Freya became pregnant. Sadly, that pregnancy ended with a stillbirth in 1991, and Freya's mental problems began. Already having had a hard time adjusting to captivity, and her new companions, Freya became extremely depressed after the loss of her calf. In 1993, both Freya and Sharkane gave birth. Freya's calf, again, was stillborn. But Sharkane's, a little female, survived.

Thankfully, this seemed to mend the bond between Freya and Sharkane. Freya spent time caring for Shouka (Sharkane's calf) and keeping the young male Tanouk away from her. They did allow Kim near her, though. Finally, in 1996, Freya became pregnant, and gave birth to a healthy male calf. Named Valentin, the calf has thrived, and Freya has finally gotten a little happiness.

Sadly, Freya's happiness was short lived. Again having problems with Sharkane, Freya has become isolated from the other orcas at Marineland. She spends some time with her son, but is kept mostly alone. She has been extremely mentally distressed, and her physical condition has deteriorated as well. In early 2001, Freya had her third stillbirth. Although she has recently performed more, Marineland does not often use her in shows, as she is uncomfortable with them.