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Inouk (pronounced "eee-new-k") is a 3 year old male. He was born on February 23, 1999 at Marineland Cote D'Azur, in Antibes, France. His mother Sharkane is a 15 year old Icelantic female, captured in 1989. His father, Kim, is a 23 year old Icelantic male, captured in 1982. He has 2 siblings, Shouka, an older sister born in 1993, and Wiki, a younger sister, born in 2001. He also has an older half-brother, Valentin, born to his father Kim and an Icelantic female named Freya, in 1996.

Inouk has begun to perform more in shows. He's quickly learning new behaviors. And, though he is fully weaned, he still enjoys the company of his mother. He even assisted her during the birth of his younger sister, Wiki. Since Wiki's birth, he has been allowed to remain with them as much as he likes. Marineland, unlike most Marine Parks, has not removed him from his family.