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Keet is a 8 year old male Icelantic-Washingtonian whale. He was born at Sea World of Texas on February 2, 1993. His mother, Kalina, is a 16 year old Icelantic-Washingtonian female, born in 1985 at Sea World of Florida. His father, Kotar, was a 15 year old Icelantic male, captured in 1978. He died in 1995, at the age of 18. His grandfather, Winston, an older male from Washington, died in 1986. His grandmother, Katina, is alive at Sea World of Florida. He has 1 uncle, born in 1993 to Katina and an Icelantic male named Tillikum, and 2 aunts, Katerina, born in 1988, died in 1999, and Unna, born in 1996, who survives in Sea World of Florida. He also has 2 brothers- Keto, a full brother born in 1995, and Tuar, a half-brother, born to his mother and Tillikum, in 1999. He also has 1 half-sister, born to his father and an Icelantic female named Kasatka.

Keet's birth was one of the most celebrated whale births ever. He was the first, second-generation whale born anywhere! He became "Grand baby Shamu" to the public. When he was a year and seven months old, Sea World decided to shuffle there whales around. Winnie, a small whale in Florida, who was being picked on by the other whales, was transported to the Ohio park, were she joined docile Kayla. Katerina was transported from the Ohio park to Texas. And, to make room for Katerina (Keet's aunt), Kalina was transported to Sea World Florida. Keet, much to young to be separated from Kalina (though he was partially weaned), was inconsolable. Visitors reported seeing him swimming erratically, slamming into walls. He was covered in a mass of scars and bruises.

Eventually, Keet recovered mentally. He formed bonds with the other Teas whales. However, in November of 1999, after another park-hopping among whales, Keet was transferred to California. Partially to make room for Winnie & Kayla, who were new to Texas, and partially to get him used to whales that would join him in Ohio, his actual destination.

While at SWC, Keet met his brother Keto for the first time. He also met a younger whale named Sumar, and several other animals he got along well with. He adjusted quickly, and was soon performing in shows. However, he was not to stay there long. In April of 2000, when Sea World of Ohio opened for what would be its last season, Keet, along with Keto and Sumar, were transferred.

At Ohio, Keet was the oldest whale, and the most reliable performer. Even so, some behaviors seen in earlier seasons had to be rethought, as younger, less- experienced whales could not handle such things as children sitting on there backs. Though it was planned that Keet, Keto, and Sumar would stay at the Ohio park for at least 2 seasons, plans abruptly changed in the Winter of 2001, when Sea World announced the sale of the Ohio park. That meant that Keet would once again be transported.

In February of 2001, Keet made the journey back to Sea World of California. Several days later Sumar joined him, with Keto going to Keet's former home in Texas. Keet settled in immediately, and began performing at once. At 8 years old, he is now a well-adjusted, experienced whale. He is known as one of the most interactive whales at Sea World, and is a favorite of many. At 16 feet long, and 4,100 pounds, he still has a lot of growing up to do. However, according to Sea World at least, he is sexually mature and could produce calves with one of there females.