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Kyuquot, called Ky, is a 10 year old Icelandic captive-born male. He was born at Sealand of the Pacific (In Victoria, BC) on December 24, 1991. At that point, it was already known that the Sealand whales would be sold, so no one in Canada celebrated the birth as much as previous ones. Ky's birth, however, was the first (and only successful) at the park, which officially closed in 1993. His mother, Haida, was a 22 (12 when she gave birth to Ky) Icelandic female, captured in 1982. His father, Tillikum, is a 21 (11 at the time of Ky's birth) year old Icelandic male, captured in 1983. Ky had 2 half-siblings on his mother's side, a female who died after a month in 1993, and a miscarried sibling in 1999). He also has many, many siblings on his father's side, including Taku, Unna, Nyar, Sumar, and Nakai.

Ky spent only a brief time in Canada. In 1993, he, along with his mother Haida, were shipped to Sea World of Texas. The other adult female at Sealand (Nootka) went to Sea World of Florida. Once at Sea World, Ky and Haida spent several months getting used to the new location, before being introduced to the public or the other whales. However, Sea World was very different from Sealand. The heat, training practices, size difference, and other whales were a huge adjustment for Haida and Ky. However, after less than a year, both were inter graded into Sea World's show system.

Ky is considered to be one of SWT's nicest whales. He has an excellent temperament, and trainers love working with him. At just over 4,00 pounds, he's still got a LOT of growing to do, and is actually rather small for his age. Ky spends most of his time with Kayla, a whale he has become extremely interested in since her move to SWT in 1999.

Sadly, Ky's mother Haida passed away in August of 2001. Haida had, prior to her death, spent a lot of time with her son. He appears to be adjusting to her death well, though, and continues to spend a great deal of time with his trainers and pool-mates. SWT is hoping that within the next few years, Ky and Kayla will produce a calf.