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Kyu is a 9 year old male Japanese transeit Orca. He was captured on February 8, 1997 in Taiji, Japan, along with 9 members of his pod. At capture, he was 4.70 meters long, and weighed in at 1,400 kg making him around 4 years of age (Japanese Orcas are the largest in the world). Soon after his capture, he, along with 2 other whales (A younger male and a pregnant female) were shipped to Nanki Shiriama Adventure World. There they were placed in a small, rusty tank only 45 feet in diameter and 17 feet deep. This tank is commonly used for storage, and is known to be in poor condition. Within a few months, the other 2 whales had both died, and Kyu was left in the pool alone.

For over a year after his capture, Kyu was alone in the small pool, while he underwent husbandry training. During this time, his health was poor, and his immune system weak. He also suffered from ulcers. After a year and a half in the pool, his health slightly stabilized. Then, Ruka, an adult female Icelandic whale, was moved into the pool to keep him company and speed up his training. Staff also hoped that in Ruka's absence, Ran and Goro, the 2 performing whales left, would mate. However, after a year in the pool (in May of 1999), both whales were moved out.

At this point, Kyu (who had been called Kyu-Chan during training) was officially named Kyu, meaning nine in Japanese. He began performing, doing most of the behaviors at Nanki. However, he still suffered from some health problems. Though his immune system and respiratory problems had stabilized, he still suffered from ulcers.

Now, at age 9, Kyu is a fully trained and performing whale. He participates in water work with his trainers. His health has apparently stabilized, though he continues to remain on medication for his ulcers.