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Lara is an 8 month old female calf, born February 8, 2001 at Kamogawa Sea World, in Kamogawa, Japan. Her mother, Stella, is a 19 year old Icelantic female, captured in 1988. Her father, Bingo, is a 21 year old Icelantic male, captured in 1984. She has 1 older sister, a female named Oyako, born in 1998. She also had an older half-sister, born in 1995, to her father Bingo and an Icelantic female named Maggie. Sadly, that calf passed away after only one day of life.

Lara's birth was quite unexpected to the public, as Stella's pregnancy had not been announced. Stella was assisted during the labor by Lara's father Bingo. Because Kamogawa has no other adult females, Stella permitted him to help. Oyako, Lara's sister, and an Icelantic male named Oscar, were kept in a separate holding pen during the birth.

Kamogawa was able to announce that Lara was a female immediately after her birth, which is quite uncommon. And, after the most dangerous few months of her life had passed, on her 100th day of life, Lara was named. So far, we haven't been able to find the meaning of the name.

Lara has done very well since her birth. She's slowly been introduced to her sister Oyako, and "Uncle" Oscar. Though there was some hesitation about how they would react to her, things have apparently gone fine and all are now allowed to swim together. Lara has also been picking up training signals, and working alongside Stella with the trainers.