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The Miami Seaquarium

The Miami Seaqarium has been displaying Orcas since 196, when they purchased Hugo, a young male. They have displayed a total of 2 Orcas, both captured from Washington state. Hugo, a male, and Tokitae (aka Lolita) a female. They have had no pregnancies. Today, they display Tokitae alone, as Hugo died in 1980.

Miami's facility is terrible. The tank isn't as deep as Tokitae is long, and only 70 feet by 80 feet. Tokitae shares her exhibit with four Pacific White Sided Dolphins. Miami has no separate medical tank, as the one small pool (which is divided into 2 parts) all shares the same water. However, the food quality and veterinary staff is excellent.

The Miami Seaqarium is currently in the beginning process of building a larger tank for the Orca display. The facility, which should be complete in 2003, will hold a total of 2.5 million gallons (the same as the show pool for SWF) which, although small by today's standards, is a huge improvement over her current facility. The pool will be broken down into 4 tanks, a performance pool (1.6 million gallons), 2 side pools (400,000 gallons each), and a medical pool (70,000 gallons) on a separate filtration system than the rest of the facility.

And, probably most promising of all, with the completion of the tank, the Miami Seaqarium will import an adult Icelandic male, Thor, from Kamogawa Sea World, Japan. This will be the first companion Tokitae has had in 22 years.