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In Memory of Nyar
Nyar a few months before death

This website is dedicated to the memory of Nyar. Nyar was a young Orca, born New Years Eve in 1993. Her mother, Gudrun, was an Icelantic female. Nyar was her second calf. Her father was an Icelantic male named Tillikum, already the father of several other calves.

Nyar lived only a little over 2 years. She fought a long battle with several illnesses, every day of her short life. She was seperated, often for long periods of time, from her mother Gudrun. During these periods of time, Nyar's illness spiked to dangerous levals. However, when Nyar recovered, albeit for short periods of time, they were reunited, and did very well together.

Nyar's short life ended on April 1, 1996, a few weeks after her mother also died. After suffering for over 2 years, Nyar's small body could no longer handle the aliments brought on by her weakend condition. So she finally gave in. Those of us who believe in heaven like to imagine Gudrun, Nyar, & Gudrun's stillborn calf swimming freely in open waters, and playing together happily.

Please enjoy these photos of Nyar.

Thank you to Shannon for the photos of Nyar!