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Sumar (pronounced "Sue-Mar") is a 3 year old male. He was born at Sea World of Florida, on May 14, 1998. His mother, Taima, is a 12 year old Icelantic-Pacific female, born in 1989. His father, Tillikum, is a 21 year old Icelantic male, captured in 1983. He has 1 younger sibling, a brother named Tekoa, born in 2000. He also has many half siblings, including Tuar in Florida, Ky in Texas, and an Unnamed calf in California.

Though his birth went fine, it soon became apparent that Taima was not a good mother. She repeatedly showed aggression towards Sumar, even going as far as to throw him out of the pool on one occasion. Finally, at 4 months of age, Sumar and Taima were permanently separated. It remains the youngest separation of a captive born calf from his mother. At the age of 10 months, Sumar was flown to Sea World's California park, along with Keto, a young male.

In California, Sumar found a much improved situation. He had Corky, a 36 year old female with strong maternal instincts, who took over his care. Takara, Orkid, & Kasatka, adult females who loved to play and look after him. And Splash, Ulises, & Keto (who had come with him from FL) to play with. He quickly bonded with his trainers, and became the favorite of many guests. However, after his training was improved, and only 13 months in California, he was flown again to Sea World's Ohio park.

Accompanied by young males Keet (7) and Keto (4), Sumar settled into Ohio's routine. However, not even one year after their move to Ohio, Sea World of Ohio was sold to Six Flags. Keet was shipped out first, with Sumar & Keto leaving a few days later. Keet & Sumar returned to California. Keto, a more disruptive animal, was sent to Texas.

Back in California, Sumar quickly returned to his familiar routine. Corky again took up mothering him. And, when Bjossa, an ill adult female arrived in April of this year, Sumar immediately formed a bond with her. Perhaps because of mutual loses (Sumar had lost his mother, Bjossa her calves) they have become extremely close.