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Tuar (pronounced " 2 - R") is a 2 year old male calf. He was born on June 22, 1999, at Sea World of Florida. His mother Kalina is a 15 year old mixed Icelantic-Pacific female, born in 1985. His father, Tillikum, is a 21 year old Icelantic male, captured in 1983. He has 2 half-brothers, Keet, born in 1993, and Keto, born in 1995. Both Keet & Keto's father was Kotar, an Icelantic male who died in 1995. He also had an older full sibling born in 1997, who died. He has many half-siblings spread among Sea World's California, Texas, & Florida parks.

Shortly after his birth, Tuar was determined to be a male. Soon after, he was named Flash. However, public reaction to the name wasn't good, and Sea World decided to hold a public vote for the calf's name. They considered 3 names- Illa (eee-la) meaning "friend", Okkar (o-car) meaning "ours", and Tuar (2-R) meaning "unique". The results in, Tuar had won! In second place was Okkar, and third was Illa.

Tuar has done very well since his birth. He begun performing in shows quickly, and has continued to learn new behaviors. His trainers note that he is an unusually independent calf. He has started eating on his own, and is well on his way to being weaned.