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Ulises is a 24 year old Icelantic male, captured in 1980. After his capture, he remained in a tiny tank in Iceland for a year, until December of 1981, when he was shipped to Riolen Safari, in Spain. He remained there for a short period of time, moving again in 1983, to the Barcelona Zoo, in Spain.

While at the Barcelona Zoo, Ulises shared his tiny pool with Dolphins. Though he was at first a friendly, willing performer, as the years went on and Ulises grew, he became more and more aggressive and unpredictable. In 1989, Sea World applied and recieved a permit to import him to there California park. However, animal rights activists were able to keep that from happening until 1994.

During that time period, Ulises became much more aggressive, and very unpredictable. He also became extremely depressed. When Sea World finally did import him, in February of 1994, it took him some time before he returned to normal. Those extra years that the Animal Rights people had forced him to spend in Spain had taken there toll.

However, once he had settled in, Ulises showed his true personality. He was an affectionate, willing to please whale. He enjoyed interacting with his trainers and other whales. Though Sea World had wanted him for breeding purposes, they eventually became aware that he was not being successful. Though they trained him for Artificial Insemination, his sperm has yet to be used.

Ulises is now mentally and physically healthy. His years alone in Spain have been put behind him, and he for the most part is an easy-going whale. He still has his outbursts, though. At 20.3 feet long and only 9,700 pounds, Ulises is very small for a mature male, but is not expected to grow more.