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Valentin is a 6 year old male whale, born February 14, 1996, at Marineland of France. His mother, Freya, is a 27 year old Icelandic female, captured in 1982. His father, Kim, is a 25 year old Icelandic male, captured in 1982. He has 3 stillborn full siblings, born in 1991, 1993, and 2001. He also has 3 half-siblings, Shouka (a female born in 1993), Inouk (a male born in 1999), and Wiki (a female born in 2001), born to his father and an Icelandic female named Sharkane.

Valentin and his mother Freya were kept isolated from the other whales for a period fallowing his birth. Since then, Valentin has often be placed in separate pools from her to interact socially with other whales, but is often kept with Freya to keep her company. He's a very social, interactive whale, who has quickly learned waterwork. He enjoys spending time with his half-sister Shouka above all else.