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Images of the Desert Noble

Doujinshi Covers

(All Doujinshi images are owned by their respective circles. a small note, when I "borrow" from other webpages, I do ask permission first. If no mention is given, they were found a different way)

Wings: Quatre with angel wings

Quatre looking semi-chibi with angel wings. From On the q. t. Thanks for letting me use it!

Another lovely angel pic.From On the q. t. Thanks for letting me use it!

Quatre with tiny angel wings. From On the q. t. Thanks for letting me use it!

Love Chain: Beautiful picture of him.

Quatre as a bunny, the back cover to Baby Pink 2

Quatre looks so cute in pink.

A nice picture of Quatre, I don't know the name of the doujinshi.

Quatre sitting in just his pink shirt

Strong Hold: Aww, Quatre's so cute.

Plastical Hearts: Quatre turning his head to look at you, looking very grown up, but still adorable.

Special Love: Holding a bouquet of flowers, how sweet.

Angel Feather: Quatre sitting with angel wings.

Snow White: Quatre in the background with a chibi Duo and a chibi Wufei in the front.

Quatre, sitting down.Hmm, not much else to say

Quatre sitting wrapped in white cloth and with angel wings. Very lovely.