Here, is a list of my recommended listening choice for "Reparations". I don't expect anyone to go out and try to find these singles or MP3's, but if you have any of them it might help you to get into the story better if you listen to them whilest reading. Thanks again, and enjoy.
My Only Love - Sailor Moon
I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith (Chapter 11 - The Night Mission, sounds like Duo singing)
Blossom Score - Mulan ("Reparations" Theme)
That Day Was The Last I saw Your Smile - Gundam Wing Operation 4 CD (Chapter 12 - A Small Piece of Heaven)
Knock on Tomorrow's Door - Chang Wufei/Ishino Ryuuzou
Shinjitsu wo Tsukamitore - Chang Wufei/Ishino Ryuuzuo
Let Into Top - Chang Wufei/Ishino Ryuuzuo
Mulan's Decision Score - Mulan (Wufei's Theme)
Quatre's Theme - Gundam Wing (I can't find the real title of this MP3 which really doesn't help matters, it's Nutaku's theme)