Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Gundam Wing. Not yet, anyway (sadistic grin).
***Changing Places, Changing Minds***
By: Andrew Joshua Talon
EMAIL: hi@nowhere.com
Chapter 1: Rude Awakening
Andrew Talon, a fanfiction author of minor reputation, was peacefully sleeping away in his
warm bed. His dreams were dancing to and fro, eagerly approaching regions of the mind with
humor, drama, romance and several other genres, and darting away from horror sections of the
(I HATE Horror stories, movies, anything.)
His mind drowsy, Talon had no indication as he awoke that this day was to be any different from
any other days.
For the first five minutes.
"Ah, that was great," said Talon, stretching his arms above his pillow. His wrists touched the
wall behind the head of his bed as he rose. Opening his eyes, Talon smiled into the dark of his
room. He waited for the approaching booms of his stout father's footsteps, as he did every day to
wake Talon up. This ritual annoyed Talon tremendously. Then again, waking up period in the
dark of morning was unpleasant to everyone on the planet.
Well, all the high school students, anyway.
Yawning, Talon was puzzled at the lack of noise outside his door. Checking his clock (which
looked different for some reason) Talon saw it was 9:03 AM.
"Holy SHIT!" cried Talon as he scrambled out of bed, landing on the floor with a resounding
thud. Scrambling to the closet, Talon came face to face with a door. Ouch.
"Damnit, Ben [My evil brother]! How many times have I told you not to move my furniture?"
hissed Talon into the dark room. He ran his hand (since when was his hand so big?) over the
wall, searching for the light switch. After a minute of fruitless efforts, he found the switch in a
place where it wasn't supposed to be. Angrily cursing under his breath, Talon flipped the switch
and turned around to get his bearings.
"What the-" His room had been utterly demolished. Trashed, cluttered and dirtied beyond
recognition. His bed had obsidian colored sheets that were cast aside, and piles of dirty laundry
littered the entire area. His desk had been moved alongside his bed and his folders of homework
for today's classes were gone. All that was on his desk was a black laptop and assorted piles of
His room wasn't the only thing out of place. Talon had severe astigmatism in his right eye, while
his left eye was perfect. Before he'd gotten glasses (and later, contacts) his vision had always
been unbalanced, for lack of a better term. His vision was now completely clear, without a single
hint of fuzzyness.
Talon knew he had taken out his contacts the night before, and there was no way in hell that his
eyes had fixed themselves. His eyes darted to the closet, and he rushed to it. Throwing the
unfamiliar door open, Talon stared at the entirely black wardrobe.
"What on Earth?" he whispered. Taking in his surrounds again, Talon felt a bit sick. What was
going on?
And why was his hair so silky soft? Talon's hair was short and rough, despite countless hours
using conditioners.
"This cannot be good..."said Talon, and for the first time noticed his voice. It wasn't the low,
slightly regal accent he was used to. It sounded bright, cheery.
It sounded like-Oh Kami-sama, not-
"Duo! Duo, you lazy baka, get the hell out of your trash heap and downstairs!" came a shout that
could only be Wufei Chang's rough voice.
Feeling faint, Talon finally saw a small mirror hanging on the door. Though partially covered by
a dirty sock, Talon stared at the reflection in the glass.
Duo Maxwell stared back.
Author's Notes:
Why am I so unhappy to be the God of Death himself? I'll tell you; Now it'll be me who's stuck
in those damn 1x2, 2x5, 2x3, and 2x4 fics. Does anyone here actually think that Duo Maxwell,
God of Death and a ladie's man extrodinaire, is gay? No way in (pardon the pun) Hell! Then
again, being stuck in 2xH, 2xR and 2xOC fics might not be so bad. (slaps cheeks multiple times)
What am I thinking?! All the Duo fangirls on EARTH will kill me now!
Talon's Muse: (who looks suspiciously like Hilde in a Weirding Sister's outfit from Gargoyles)
Oh, calm down. They wouldn't dare raise a hand against the Duo-chan! Well, his body anyway.
Talon/Duo: (deathglare) Thank you so very much. I feel so much better.
Talon's Muse: You know, Duo with the powers of a Super-Saiyan author could be quite
Talon/Duo: Yeah, but would people like Duo as a blonde?
Talon's Muse: (falls animishly)
Talon/Duo: What? WHAT?