Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I also do not own the commercial this came from. It’s some life insurance commercial on TV and I can’t remember the name of the company. Anyway, that life insurance company owns the commercial and I give them full credit. Please don’t sue me, I have nothing of value

A/N: The disclaimer basically said what this is. I saw some life insurance commercial and I thought it would be funny if I changed it for Gundam Wing. Basically, Heero died and comes back as a monkey. Very short, so just read. It’s funny if you ask me. It’s even funnier if you’ve seen the commercial, anyways, it’s funny either way. I’ll shut-up now. Please R&R. Thanx.

Heero…The Monkey?!


Relena sat on a park bench, watching everyone walk past. Kids played on the playground, parents watched, couples walked together, yet she sat alone. She missed Heero. She had pretty much gotten over his death and gone on with her life, but she still missed him. Suddenly, she saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw a little brown performing monkey scampering towards her bench. ‘Oh how cute.’ She thought as she dug into her purse and pulled out two quarters. The little monkey jumped up beside her on the bench.

"Here you go little guy." She said, holding out the hand with the two quarters.

"Relena, take this." The monkey said, slipping a small bundle of money into her hand.

Relena just stared at him in disbelief. ‘That sounded like Heero’s voice.’ she thought.

"Heero?" She finally asked.

"I know, I came back as a monkey." He said with embarrassment in his voice. "Come back on Tuesdays. I make a killing on Tuesdays."

Relena just nodded her head, staring at him like she was going crazy. Heero Monkey turned to leave but spun back around and looked at Relena again.

"And next time you come, wear that red dress I like," he said, putting his hand on her knee. Then he turned around and scampered off. Relena just looked down at the money in her hand and then back at the little brown monkey running off.


~*The End*~

A/N: Yeah I know, very short. I know most of ya’ll will probably tell me that it’s stupid but that’s a compliment to me. Stupid is funny. Oh well, just tell me what you think. Anyway, please review. Thanx.

~*Vega Starr*~