DISCLAIMER: Gundam Wing belonged to Sunrise and co. I’m not making any profits out of this, so don’t sue. Oh, those you think you’ve never heard before belong to me. And feedback is very welcome, people! ☺
TIMELINE: The story takes place after Survival of the Fittest, I’d say almost two years.
By Arayelle Lynn.
The last couple of days went uneventfully. Lady Une had purposely given the Gundam pilots a few days to get over the shock but it was Quatre Winner, who cut the break short. He came to her, looking calm and well-composed, and requested for a staff meeting.
Shortly after that, they were all there minus Kylie. They talked about the information that she had provided them to make sure that they had all understood the significance of this. All the while, the others watched Quatre, both in awe and concern, for his quick recovery over what should be a great emotional distress.
However, Quatre didn’t give them any sign that he was in distress. In fact, he contributed more into the meeting than anyone else. He presented Relena’s report on her progress with the ESUN representatives, as well as his own conversation with a few. The meeting went on smoothly, much to the satisfaction of Agent Grant, who was invited to the meeting. In the end, it came down to what they were supposed to do with the information that Kylie had given them.
“Obviously, we can’t undone what has been done to the clones,” said Noin.
“Yes, we’ll have to find another way to defeat them. They must have a weakness somewhere,” said Quatre, turning to Heero. “Has Kylie come up with anything yet?”
The others held their breaths. This was the first time Quatre ever mentioned Kylie’s name after the incident. They were surprised to hear nothing but business in his voice.
Heero shook his head. “She said she’ll need time to gather all the lost information in the blast.”
“Okay, we won’t pressure her at this point then,” said Quatre, his voice was gentle.
“So, what do we do now?” asked Dorothy, who was also invited as an agent.
“Unless we come up with something that could be useful to form an action plan, we pretty much could do nothing,” said Lady Une. “Attacking Winteridge’s army would be out of the question after what happened.”
“You mean when we lost, right?” said Duo, bitterly.
She continued, ignoring his little jab. “So, the only thing that we could do is hold position. The Preventers would prepare all the necessary resources for any future confrontation and keep watch on Winteridge’s activity while you Gundam pilots could, let just say, sharpen your skills so you could match with those of your ‘invincible’ clones.”
“Agreed,” said Quatre, as their leader.
“Maybe this is not the right time to say this but…” Duo stopped, hesitantly.
“Duo?” said Sally, concernedly. Quatre looked at Duo pleadingly.
“I’m done as a Gundam pilot,” he blurted out, ignoring his friend’s pained stare.
They were all startled by this revelation. Even Heero looked up sharply at Duo.
“Are you sure about this, Duo?” asked Lady Une, calmly.
“I’ve lost. I have no right to pilot Deathscythe anymore.”
She looked at him, understandingly. His pain was evident on his face. “I see,” she finally said. Then, she turned to the other pilots. “Anyone feeling the same as Duo?” she asked, looking at them with deep concern. She had totally forgotten that they were only kids. It would only be natural that they would be deeply affected by their defeat. Her only regret was that she hadn’t been there to help them cope.
“My mission comes before anything,” answered Heero. “Zero wouldn’t let me rest.”
“I’m still flying,” said Quatre, firmly. “There’s so many people that I want to protect.”
Trowa nodded, without hesitation.
All eyes turned to Wu Fei, who was silent.
“Don’t bother,” said Mylin, who had also been silent the entire time. Her presence had displeased Grant but Lady Une needed her there. “His Gundam is mine to pilot now,” she said, much to the surprise of the others.
Then Wu Fei stood up and exited. He never uttered a single word.
Lady Une sighed. They had lost two Gundam pilots. Feeling tension grew in the room, she called the meeting adjourned.
Quatre walked over to Heero. He extended his hand, startling the Wing Zero pilot. He smiled. “Take good care of her, Heero,” he said, confusing the other people in the room. “She deserves so much of it.”
Heero nodded, grasping his friend’s hand. “I will, Quatre.” Then he left.
Duo came up to him, puzzled. “What was that all about?” he asked.
Quatre’s eyes were bright when he looked at him. He smiled. “I guess with all the commotion, they’ve forgotten to mention it.”
“Mention what?” asked Trowa, curiously.
“Heero and Kylie are married.”
“What!” was Duo’s reaction. He took a step back, startling the others. His body shook as his face crunched up in anger. “They can’t do that,” he said, growling. “How dare they?”
Quatre laid a hand on Duo. “It happened, Duo but I’m fine with it.”
“No! It’s not fine,” Duo shouted. “I’ll make them feel sorry for doing this.” He then stormed out of the room.
Trowa stopped Quatre. “Let him be, Quatre. He needs time to cool down.”
Both Heero and Kylie looked up from the database when someone barged into the room. “What do you want, Duo?” asked Heero, while Kylie returned her attention on her work. She secretly wished that she was somewhere away from everyone. She needed to recover the lost files, and pronto.
Heero took in Duo’s angry face, startled by the severity in it. In his part, Duo was glaring at both him and Kylie. “Why are you doing this?” he asked, there’s a dangerous tone in his voice. “Why are you going out of your way to hurt Relena and Quatre?”
Heero turned away. So, that’s it. He had forgotten how the news should affect the Deathscythe pilot. He had nearly forgotten how Duo loved to patch him up with Relena, playing the love-maker, which was ironic to his God of Death name. ‘Should’ve been God of Love, then.’
“There’s nothing to be discussed about. It happened,” he explained.
That wasn’t enough for Duo. “Wrong! It shouldn’t have happened. It is impossible!”
“Duo,” Heero sighed, bracing himself for another explanation. He sensed Kylie stiffened, the subject obviously tense her. And so, he started to lead Duo out of the room. “No! I’m not going to move,” Duo protested, snatching his arm from his grip. “She also has a lot to answer for.”
“No, she doesn’t. I don’t either. It’s our choice.”
Duo snorted. “Yeah, right. Then explain this to me. Why are you two lying?”
‘How did…’ Barely containing his surprise, Heero quickly feigned innocence. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb! I know that you two can’t be married because you’re related!” Duo exclaimed, revealing what he had known for years. “And don’t give me that you’re-crazy-look. I’ve read the DNA files, Heero. I knew for the fact that both of you are twins. And unless you tell everybody that, I will.”
Stunned by Duo’s revelation, Heero was rendered speechless. He hadn’t thought that anyone beside him and Kylie would know about that. They had destroyed the files to avoid from this to happen. To avoid the nature of their relationship being made known to others. But now…
A click from behind him stopped whatever he was going to say. They both turned to see Kylie, training a gun on Duo. There was a dangerous look in her eyes. Even more dangerous than when she was the assassin, Treize’s Revenge. “Do that and I’ll kill you right now, Maxwell,” she threatened, dangerously. “And do that later and I will make you feel very, very sorry. And I will start with your precious little wife.”
Never had Duo or Heero ever heard that deadly tone in her voice. It was as if she was a totally different person. There was no emotion in her set of winter blue eyes. No mercy. She meant what she said and she will make sure that Duo understood it.
“Let it go, Duo,” said Heero, having finally found his voice. He was getting more and more concern for his twin sister. For the last few days, she had become colder and colder. He wasn’t sure that even he could understand her now.
“Get out,” she said, her voice calm. Heero started to push the stunned Duo out. Once he was out, he turned to comfort her but she had her gun on him as well. “Both of you.” Her voice was icy. Slowly, he turned around and made his way into the hallway. The door slid close and locked.
The door slid open. Mylin Sar Henar, former Emperor’s Eye, stepped out. She turned to the left, heading towards the hangar. Her long blue black hair was tied up, revealing her alien feature so clearly. She shifted her hold on the toolbox as she walked along the quarters, when suddenly another door slid open.
Another girl exited. She too had her hair tied up. But instead of walking, she was wheeling herself out. For a minute, the two former enemies met, their gazes locked on. Silence stretched on as they worked on their will over each other.
It was Kylie who broke the silence. “Good fight,” she praised. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she referred to Mylin’s battle on Earth.
Surprised, Mylin could only nod. Then she continued her way.
“Tell me,” said the other girl, stopping Mylin in midstep. “How can you master the Zero System so easily when I can’t at all?”
Though she expected the question, Mylin found herself considering her answer before turning to the other girl.
“Maybe because I’m Telrhani,” she answered, simply. Kylie raised her left eyebrow questioningly. So, she elaborated. “My people do not believe in compassion and love for others. In the battlefield, our only objective is to destroy not protect.”
She stepped closer. “Maybe that’s why the Zero System and I work so well together. Maybe that’s why I did not go insane just like you and your Gundam friends.”
“Meaning?” Kylie prompted.
Mylin stood over Kylie, forcing the cripple to look up. “You pilots have people to protect. You are bound to minimize casualty, for you aim to educate your enemies of the futility of war. And that’s where you and the system contradicted. And that’s why you go insane unless you gained control over it. The system is a weapon to destroy, Rayden, and unless you bend its thirst for destruction, you’ll continue to be its slave.”
Kylie looked away, her fist tightened. And Mylin finally saw the purpose behind the question. “But you’re not so concern on how I mastered the system. You’re more concern on why a competent pilot like you failed to control the system unlike the other Gundam pilots.”
The human girl’s sharp look confirmed Mylin’s suspicion. But she didn’t give her the chance to deny it. “Think about one thing that could’ve stopped you from killing then,” Mylin prompted, taking both of them two years ago, where they had both met in the battlefield as enemies. “Anything that could make your will to kill weak.”
Kylie stared at her as realization dawned on her. The alien nodded. “That’s it,” she confirmed, then stared at her hard. “Now do you think you could sacrifice that in order to become a master of the Zero System?”
Hearing silence, Mylin raised her eyebrow, impressed. “I see. You’ve already chosen to abandon it,” she said knowing what, or better yet, who the girl had sacrificed. She bent down, eye-to-eye with her former rival.
“So the question now is this,” she began. “What’s stopping you?”
Kylie met her gaze evenly. Suddenly, Mylin noticed where she had placed her hands. Instead of taking them away, she gripped the armrest even tighter. “Do you think this ought to stop you?” she said, referring to the wheelchair.
The redhead remained silent. Mylin sighed, standing up. “I guess I should’ve known the answer already.” Then her face turned serious again. “But there is one more thing you need to take into consideration.”
“What’s that?”
“If I could master the system easily, being less a pilot than you, think of what a full-fledged Telrhani pilot could do with the system.”
The look the girl threw her would’ve withered a flower but soon the suspicion was replaced by a look of deep thought. Then Mylin saw the girl nodded as if decided on something. “Thank you for the input. I know exactly what to do now.”
Sensing that she had been dismissed, Mylin walked away, leaving the girl with her thoughts. As she was about to turn around a corner, a voice stopped her again. “Thank you,” said Kylie, looking at her. Then she made her way towards the gym.
Mylin watched her go. A tiny smile made its way onto her lips. She and Kylie would never be friends but at least, they were enemies no more.
Heero watched as Kylie took her turn at the beams again. Though she had refused any assistance from the resident therapist, the woman stood not far away, eyeing her stubborn patient. But even she had to admit that Kylie was doing well in her exercise.
He turned away from the sight and sighed. It had been hours after Duo’s outburst and his sister had calmed almost surprisingly. But Heero still couldn’t shake the bad feelings away. He was worried for his twin. He was worried because he could hardly read her thoughts as late. He could hardly predict her moods ever since she was brought there and saw Quatre Winner again.
And as much as he hated to admit it, Heero couldn’t shake off the twinge of fear inside him.
But now, trying to balance herself on the handlebars, Kylie looked almost normal. Her face had the look of quiet determination as trickles of sweat poured down her cheeks. She seemed to look more like Sara, the girl who had fought her way up from the ruins that the Telrhani War left her. A girl who was as unstoppable as…
“Relena,” he whispered. How the mention of her name pained him, nobody knew. His heart wrenched at the lie he had told Relena. But he had to do that. And he had to stay strong. For his only family.
Suddenly, an inspiration struck him. Casting a last glance at his sister, Heero exited to find Wu Fei.
“Standby for Operation Annihilation,” Heero-clone heard the operator spoke through the channel. He made his final checks on the system before waiting for the order to launch. He sensed his other clone-counterparts doing the same thing.
It had taken them by surprise when Winteridge told them that they were going speed things up. But they all understood his reasons pretty well. Ever since the real Kylie Rayden was found to be alive, the duke and their instructor had acted a little peculiar. Heero knew the connection between the girl and the duke but he had scant idea about Instructor D’s connection to her. That and the fact that it was a former Gundam pilot that had been hacking into their computer system contributed to this early attack.
Thinking of the attack, Heero’s lips curved into a twisted smile. He had waited a long time for this. After been waiting for such a long time, the target was finally left open. And with its destruction, they can finally start launching their final attack on their enemies.
He licked his lips, somehow tasting the sweet taste of victory. His fingers stroked the throttle, impatiently.
“Control to pilots. Launch now,” said the flight commander.
Wu Fei was walking along the hallway when a passing young lady greeted him. Hearing the familiarity in her voice, he stopped in his tracks, startled. “You?”
Mylin stopped, looking at Wu Fei’s surprise expression. She felt his eyes trailed on her dark smeared body and disheveled appearance. “What?” she started. “You mean the grease? I was making some repairs on Altron.”
Wu Fei ignored the mention of his Gundam. Instead, he continued to study her. She was wearing a blue tank top, khaki pants and a pair of boots. She had tied her black hair into two ponytails, making her looked more human than Terhani.
But that wasn’t the thing that startled Wu Fei. Seeing her like that, reminded him of Long Meirang, his wife. On the day when she was killed. She had been wearing the same too!
Mylin put up her oily hands in mock defense. “Alright, alright. Stop staring, will you? Or you’ll burn a hole into me,” she said, sarcastically. Her eyes flashed, thinking that he was about to challenge her about something.
Hearing the slight accent that betrayed her heritage, Wu Fei was pulled out from his reverie. He shook himself. “You look dirty,” he said, coming up with something that could cover his prior reaction.
Mylin snorted. “Everybody’s a cryptic. You should be thankful that at least I’m taking care of your Gundam for you.”
His reply to her sarcasm died at the mention of Nataku. A quick sensation passed into him as he remembered Long Meirang again. Without any words, he started to walk away.
“You love her, didn’t you?” said the alien, stopping him again. For a second, Wu Fei debated whether he should respond or not.
“That’s why you kept the news away from Winner all these years.”
‘What?’ he startled, then realized with a pang that Mylin was talking about Kylie.
He turned to her. “What are you talking about?” he demanded.
Mylin put her hands on her waist. “Don’t deny it, Chang Wu Fei. I’ve seen the way you look at her. You love her. That’s the reason why you participate in their little charade.” Her chin dipped up, defiantly. “To keep her away from Quatre Winner.”
“I don’t…”
She put up her hand to stop him. “Save it, Wu Fei. It’s all clearly written in your eyes,” she said. “But I’m more concern with the big secret that Heero and Kylie seemed to be keeping from us.”
He blinked at the sudden change of subject. “Secret? I didn’t know…”
Before he could finish his sentence, Heero appeared. He was looking at Wu Fei purposefully. “Speaking of the devil,” Wu Fei heard Mylin muttered. Then she waved good bye at him. “I’ll take my leave now.”
Wu Fei’s eyes followed her until she was gone. By then, Heero reached him. “Wu Fei.”
He sighed. What now? More favors?
“Come with me,” said the silent pilot.
“What is it?” he asked, matching Heero’s quick strides.
“There’s something I want you to see.”
Curious, Wu Fei followed him. If this had anything to do with Kylie, he found himself willing to do it. Yes, he had to admit to himself then if not to Mylin, that he is in love with Kylie Rayden. But he knew that she didn’t feel the same. After a while, Wu Fei began to feel strange. ‘This isn’t the way to the crew quarters.’
“Where are you taking me, Heero?” he asked, curiously. “Isn’t this the way to the infirmary?”
Heero didn’t answer him. He continued to lead Wu Fei into a dark room. There, he faced Wu Fei.
“Well?” asked the Chinese pilot impatiently.
Heero pulled a switch and the room was swallowed by a blinding light. Wu Fei looked through the window and gasped. “What’s this?”
“Target sighted.”
“Copy that, Heero. Initiate Operation Annihilation.”
“Roger that.”
‘Destroy them.’
He stood at the window, overlooking a small room filled with exercise equipment. There was a large mattress covering the entire floor. The room was empty, save for a couple of people who occupied the far end of the room. One of them was standing or rather leaning against a wall but her posture was ready and alert. She was watching another person, in a sweat suit, moving slowly between two handlebars. Moving slowly seemed to be an understatement because the girl looked as if she was struggling to drag her dangling limbs to the other end of the handlebars. And that person seemed to be familiar.
“What’s this?” he demanded, turning to Heero after he identified who it was.
Heero nodded at the sight beyond the window. “Just watch carefully.”
“What are you at, Heero?” he asked, suspiciously. Was Heero trying to play with his emotions? He knew how Wu Fei felt for Kylie.
“Just look at her,” he repeated.
“No!” said Wu Fei, backing away. He had had enough with Mylin and didn’t want to deal with Heero on the same thing. “I’m leaving.”
“You’re not!” Heero barked, stopping him in his tracks. The Wing Zero pilot rarely raised his voice and it somehow startled Wu Fei.
Suddenly, the entire place was drowned by the sound of the alarms. Both of them ignored it, glaring at each other. Beyond the thin pane of glass, they saw Kylie stumbled and fell, startled by the alarms.
“Look at her, Wu Fei. And tell me what do you see.”
Wu Fei did, just out of spite. The therapist had already run to Kylie’s side, fussing over her. Kylie pushed the woman away, saying something angrily. “She didn’t give up,” said Heero, as Kylie grabbed the handlebars again without assistance. They watched her as she continued her exercise.
“What do you mean?”
“She took a fall and she got up afterwards. Every single time,” said Heero, watching Wu Fei now. “What’s your reason?”
Wu Fei started. So that was it? This was about him and Altron.
“All Gundam pilots please assemble in the launch bay!” someone announced. Wu Fei winced, imagining Mylin running in his stead.
“Watch her, Wu Fei. And then tell me that I’m not wasting my time here,” said Heero. He then ran towards the exit. Wu Fei turned back to Kylie, watching her made it to the other side. She then reversed the procedure to return to her wheelchair, which was on the other end.
“Have I truly given up?”
When Heero reached the launch bay, he saw his Gundam being loaded into a space shuttle. A little disoriented, Heero searched for someone he knew. He found Howard, who waved him over. “Heero! Good, you’re here.”
He waited for the old man to continue. “MO V is under attack. Lady Une is sending help.”
Knowing exactly who had the motive to attack the Preventer’s main headquarters, Heero nodded. “Roger that,” he said, making his way towards the changing room. He will need his spacesuit for this.
Trowa dressed as quickly as he could. When the emergency call came, he had been on a phone trying to reach his sister. But like all his other tries, he couldn’t get to her. He was in fact getting worried and was planning to return to L3 that day just to see if she was alright.
Then, he was informed that MO V was under attack. And reluctantly, he had to abandon his intentions, knowing that they were two experienced pilots short.
He could hardly believe that Winteridge would call an attack on the Preventers’ headquarters. The base was well-fortified and well-secured. In fact, it was the most secure place of all, that even the Telrhani didn’t launch a direct attack on it when they were there.
So, what gave Winteridge the courage to attack a place and risk defeat?
The second he saw Heavyarms, he got his answer. And he almost smacked his forehead for not figuring it out sooner. The reason was because the Gundams were usually there, on MO V. That would make MO V a dangerous place to target. To attack would be like shoving a pole into a bee hive.
And cleverly, Winteridge had it figured out. He had purposely lured the Gundam pilots to Earth with a fake attack so that they would leave the main base unprotected. Although he had not expected the outcome of the battle on Earth, he had successfully driven the Gundam pilots and the Preventers into thinking that Earth was in danger of a nuclear disaster.
Trowa cursed himself. He slipped on his helmet as Heavyarms was loaded into the space shuttle. It would take them some time to reach MO V in time. The outpost was situated farther away from Earth than any other colonies. And they were also innocent civilians on MO V that needed rescuing.
In the end, he decided on one thing. MO V must not fall. At all cost.
Mylin gritted her teeth, furiously wondering why she hadn’t been given the green light yet. She knew that it will take time before they finally escape Earth’s gravity pull to safely release the Gundams. But that didn’t ease her anxiety, instead she felt it growing.
Which was ironic. A few years ago, she could care less about the Earth and these people that she fought to protect. A few years ago, she had descended on the Earth in a mission to destroy it and conquer its people. A few years ago, these humans were her enemy and that her loyalty rested solely on the empire.
So, why was she leaving the great blue ball in an attempt to save it?
She didn’t know why but somehow, over the years, she had begun to love this planet. She had begun thinking it as her own home. Mylin never belonged anywhere back in the Telrhan Empire. Being born a slave didn’t exactly give her a feeling that she truly belong somewhere, except to somebody. And being the Emperor’s Eyes destroyed any need to find a place for herself, for she was so fully occupied with protecting the emperor’s best interest.
And the humans, of course. She found herself liking them more and more. The reason was still unknown to her but Mylin always found it fascinating to see how they could sometimes take joy in life regardless how small it is. Even the poor could smile even when they were in deep need. Their sufferings would be laced with a shred of contentment and hope.
All these motivate her to fight, to protect them. She cannot allow a few foolhardy humans who didn’t realized just how lucky they were, to ruin such paradise. She knew that although her skills and strength didn’t lie in fighting with a Gundam, she just had to take Chang’s Nataku, in a hope that she could at least cause some damage on the enemy with it.
A beep broke her deep thoughts. She powered up Altron and was out of the shuttle even before the shuttle’s pilot gave her the green light. She felt exhilarated, fully ready for battle. Her fingers moved across the alien controls, having familiarized with it at last. She listened intently as Quatre Winner began to issue his orders to Heero, Trowa and her. She looked ahead, anxious to meet the battle.
And she gasped.
They were too late!
Quatre could barely contain the gasp from escaping his lips. The sight before him tore his heart and wrenched all hopes away. MO V was completely annihilated! Debris from the familiar white Tauruses that belonged to the Preventers scattered all across the vacuum of space. He could also see something tiny that looked like five-pointed stars floating about.
Human bodies!
“My god!” he heard Duo’s voice in the comm. Clearly, he had received a visual relay from one of them. There was an eerie moment of deep silent.
“It can’t end like this!” the alien, Mylin finally found her voice.
But all of them truly knew what it meant. They knew what would happen next. They knew that from that moment on, their lives would never be the same again.
In the background, the Gundam pilots heard the unmistakable sound of a news report, coming from the Earth base. They listened intently, helpless. “I repeat. MO V is totally destroyed,” said the newscaster. “As a result, the colonies are preparing to surrender and swear allegiance to the Jupiter forces.”
“Noooo!” they heard someone from the Earth base cried.
Quatre couldn’t tear his eyes away from the devastation to check who it was. To form words was a struggle.
“We’ve lost!” the words sounded weird in his ears, almost unbelievable.
At the same time, a Preventer agent whispered. “Winteridge has won.”
AUTHOR REPLIES: So there, the end of the first part of the duology. I’m sorry if I’m taking such a looong time with the update. My job and classes are taking up so much of my time. Bad me. Anyway, here’s the reply to all your kind reviews. I love this part!
Ookami Kage: Since I’ll be busy with work and stuff, guess my dad has his wish in keeping me away from the ‘net. *sigh* So, there you get your answer on the whole Heero-Kylie thing. For some reason, they want to keep Quatre away from her. The reason, well, you’ll have to keep reading (of course, he is marrying Dorothy). And we all know Heero and Relena are meant to be together so why change? Besides, I love to see them together. As for Wu Fei and Trowa, well, there might be hope yet. Duo’s out of the list since he’s with Hilde but no, no children yet. They’re too busy keeping people sane! About the prisoners, yes, they will be rescued eventually. And I’d like to thank you for your reviews. You really keep me going.
Arina Kim: No, don’t hate me! He… he... it seems that I annoyed quite a number of people for having Kylie ditching Quatre like that. I know, he’s a sweet boy. You love him; I love him but why won’t Kylie? There is a mystery behind it. You’ll have to keep reading to find out though, it is possible for someone to fall out of love (or maybe she’s blaming Quatre?). And Kylie is not the most expressive person so, kissing Quatre or any guy might be the last thing you’ll catch her doing.
Apologies for misinterpreting your views on the whole Kylie-Sara relation thing. I was too excited to answer the replies to think much about it. And thank you for liking the story so much. I have a nice time reading your reply.
SilverRocks: Yeah, what Heero and Kylie are doing to Quatre is terrible. But I hope you would not hate them that much. Besides, Quatre IS MARRYING Dorothy, remember?
Justin: Wow! I didn’t know you hate Dorothy THAT much. Hope Kylie isn’t on that list after what she’d done to Quatre (and Duo, in this chapter). Thanks for the review. It felt as if you were really here, cheering me on. And please, do write something on Quatre-Relena. I really want to see how that could play out. Oh! I noticed you had your new fics up. I’ll be sure to read it.
I agree with your views on Char’s Counterattack. Its symbolism with the WW2 is incredible. But while many say that the strength in GW lies with its graphics (and some say pretty boys design *the nerve!*) my reason for sticking with GW was mostly the interaction between the 5 pilots. From Heero’s stoic monotone antiques to Duo’s quick and witty jokes, I found myself memorizing lines after lines!
Hey, I heard they’re making a new Gundam series. Hope it’ll be as good.
So, there! Until the next series. I’ll be quick, I promise.