In the Wings
By Aryn
ANNOUNCER: When avid fans of the Gundam Wing series were allowed to go behind the scenes, some even carrying video cameras, they were able to see another side to Gundam Wing. But thanks to a few who were gracious enough to hand over their tapes, we don't have to tell you about it, you can see it for yourself. Warning, what you will see, may shock you.
<The side of the set. You can see the two by fours that are holding up Treize's office. Zechs, dressed in his OZ uniform is standing off to the side with Treize. Both have cups of coffee and are watching the set being set up.>
TREIZE: I have a question for you, Zechs.
ZECHS: What is it?
TREIZE: <looks over at the helmet> Do you find that to be a safety hazard in thunderstorms?
ZECHS: That's why we don't film in the rain. If you notice, the only scenes I have are either at night, during a sunny day or inside.
TREIZE: You do have that Siberia scene to film though. What's snow going to do to that?
ZECHS: The director says costume has some sort of spray stuff for it so it doesn't rust.
ANNOUNCER: Not exactly the kind of talk you would expect from the leaders of the evil OZ organization. But let's take a look at the ladies of OZ and see what they do between scenes.
<Relena, Noin and Lady Une are all seated on canvas chairs with their names embroidered on the backs. Noin and Une have coffee, while Relena is looking off screen.>
NOIN: So Une, what's the deal with Treize?
UNE: What do you mean?
NOIN: Are you two dating or what?
<UNE smiles.>
NOIN: I knew it. I knew it.
UNE: Well, I don't know how long it will last though. <leans over the arm of the chair to whisper> I talked to the producer and he said that in the last episode, Treize gets killed. But they're talking about a movie and want to sign me on. So, if he can deal with me still working on the set of this show, yeah, it might work.
NOIN: I can't believe they're killing off Treize Khushre-, Khushren-, oh whatever his last name is. Who kills him?
RELENA: Probably Heero, since he kills everyone else in this show.
UNE: No, wait till you get to the beginning of the twenties. One of the pilots goes berserk and kills a lot of people.
NOIN: I heard that it was Trowa.
UNE: No, I don't think it's Trowa. He's the one with spiky hair, right?
NOIN and RELENA nod their heads.
UNE: I think it's the blond one.
NOIN: Quatre? No, he's so sweet.
RELENA: Sweet? Ha. He sent me a mutilated teddy bear last week. That kid has problems.
UNE: Speaking of kids with problems, that on-screen romance with Heero looks pretty convincing.
RELENA: Yeah, we try.
<HEERO walks by and hands off a cup of tea to Relena and keeps walking. She takes a sip and stands up.>
RELENA: I said I wanted sugar in this! <storms off after him.>
HEERO: <off screen> Go and get it yourself.
RELENA: <off screen>You were supposed to get it for me!
HEERO: <off screen> I will kill you.
RELENA:<off screen> Oh get off it.
<off screen gun shot>
RELENA: <off screen>Don't you even fire those blanks at me!
HEERO:<off screen> Who said they were blanks?
ANNOUNCER: Not what you expected, is it my friend? And just so you know, the boy who plays Heero Yuy only had blanks in his gun and the girl who plays Relena Peacecraft was not hurt. We'll have a look at the main characters when we come back after this break.