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The Lantern Holder

Chapter 13

By Aryn

The Epyon stood out against the near white sand of the beach. It's menancing eyes seemed to scan the horizon, silent and ready for attack. They didn't have a control room for this battle. From what Nari had told them about Inazuma and Javin, it would take all the firepower they had. Instead of a controller, they would just use an open comm. Besides, how hard would mobile dolls be to defeat? They had nine mobile suits surrounding the Palace.

"Everyone in position?" Zechs said into the open comm.

"Noin here."

Zechs look at his screen and saw the Taurus suit standing next to him.

"Thank you Noin."

"Gundam 01, survellience." Heero reported.

"06, same." Arys added. Both Wing Zero and Silverwind were over the ocean, waiting to give the signal that the attack had begun. Zechs was slightly stunned by Heero and Arys' request to be out there. But whatever their reason, he had granted gratefully. They were surperb pilots and he was glad they were on the front line.

"02, east side."

"03, west side."

"05, west side."

"04, north side."

"Nari, north side."

"Nari, how you doing?" Noin asked.

"Fine so far. The battle hasn't started yet."

"Stay close to Quatre." Zechs told her.

"Yes sir."


Heero watched the horizon, every now and again, glancing over at Arys on his screen. Being out above the water made him nervous, but Arys had wanted that position. It just reminded him of too many bad memories. Shutting off the open comm, he signaled just Arys. Immediately, she answered him.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you sure about this?"

"About what?" she asked.

"Being out here. Front line and-"

"Over the ocean." she finished. "Heero, today we're not going to die."

"You're sure about that?"

Arys gave him a smile that dispelled all fears that he had. "Absolutely."

"Ai shiteru."

"Ai shiteru, Heero."

Heero flipped the open comm on again and returned his gaze back out to the ocean. Now, it didn't seem to hold the same kind of omnious call that had mere minutes ago.

"Care to fill us in on what you two talked about?" Duo's voice said.

"No." Heero responded.

"We were talking about you Duo." Arys replied.

"Well, couldn't have picked a better thing to talk about." Duo sniffed.

"I can think of some better things." Wufei remarked.

Heero's warning bell sounded, cutting the banter off immediately. Heero could now see specks in the distance growing larger.

"Here they come." he announced, slipping into combat mode.


Nari gripped the flight controls to hide her shaking hands. It had started. She had made her stand against Javin, and now she had to pay for it. She only hoped that the other eight lives that were caught in the middle wouldn't be lost, and if anyone died, it would be her. Dying in a battle was better than wasting away in a hospital bed.

"How many are there?" Trowa asked.

"About a hundred mobile dolls." Arys answered.

"I'm not seeing the Aries." Heero reported.

"Don't worry, they'll show themselves." Zechs said. He pulled on the flight sticks of the Epyon and took off towards Heero and Arys. Noin stayed where she was, in case any mobile dolls slipped through. But with Heero, Arys and Zechs, that was highly unlikely.

"Looks like you don't have to fight today." Quatre said, addressing Nari.

"Don't count on it. Javin always has a back up plan. He won't go down this easy."

"Trowa, Wufei, Quatre and Duo," Noin's voice came over the comm, "Stay on your toes. If what Nari said is right, expect an attack."

No sooner had the words left her mouth than warning bells went off in all Gundams.


Inazuma sat back in the cockpit of the Aeries and laughed. This was too much fun.

"Inazuma." Javin's stern voice called over the comm.

"What?" she snapped.

"Keep your mind focused. You only have a hundred mobile dolls with three experienced pilots fighting them. Don't waste dolls."

Biting back a grumble, she settled back into her seat and straightened the helmet on her head that she used to control the dolls with. Using mere thoughts, she moved the dolls into a position where they covered one flank of the trio of Gundams.

"Ring around the rosie," Inazuma softly sang. She moved another group of mobile dolls to cover another flank.

"Pocket full of posie,"

She made her final move that closed in the three mechs.

"Ashes, ashes,"

With a grim smile she hit the control button that would allow the mobile dolls to fire all at once.

"We all fall down."


Zechs immediately saw what the controller of the dolls was going to do as soon as one flank was covered. It was an old trick, but an effective one that would work if the enemy was unaware of it. Zechs was very much aware.

"Heero, Arys, on my mark get ready to fly straight up."

"They're closing us in." Arys shouted.

"I know." Zechs replied. "Let them."

Zechs waited till all the mobile dolls were in position and their guns were fired up.

"Now!" he yelled.

All three Gundams shot straight up in the air as the mobile dolls fired, annilating themselves.

"Mission accomplished." Heero said.

"Far from it." Noin shouted. "There's about three hundred mobile dolls inland."

"Where?" Arys asked.

"Hundred from west, hundred from east, and a hundred from north. Pick a direction and fight."


Quatre drew his simitars and hurled them at the swarm of mobile dolls. It wouldn't really do that much good, but at least that was two less dolls. He glanced over at the Taurus suit and saw that Nari was expertly piloting the suit between dolls, shooting only when she was certain she would hit something. So far, she was holding her own. Now he had worry about himself. He watched in surprise as a line of dolls was completely obliterated in front of him.

"Looked like you needed a hand." Noin said.

"Thanks. I did."

"Who's covering the shoreline?" Nari asked.


"I see the Aries." Zechs announced. "I'm going after them. Nari, switch with Duo and take the shore line."

"Roger." Nari answered, heading towards the shoreline. She knew who would be waiting for her there. She had her own battle to fight now, and it wasn't against mobile dolls.


"Inazuma, find Nari." Javin said as he watched the dark form of the Epyon fly towards him. "I'll be there shortly."

"Yes sir." Inazuma gunned the Aries forward, leaving Javin to face off with the other Gundam. She landed on the beach just as a Taurus landed. She knew immediately who this was. She opened her comm.

"So, Nari, how's the human life treating you?"

Inazuma wasn't shocked when she saw her human self on the screen.

"Very well." Nari answered.

"Well let's see how well a human body can last against a gundanium body." Inazuma challenged. Nari reached off screen and Inazuma heard the beam saber of the Taurus ignite.

"No no no." Inazuma said with a patronizing smile. "I meant face to steel face. Obsidious against Aluma. You still have Aluma, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good. Let's go."