Gundam Wing Adlib: Quotations: Set One
- If I had a twin buster rifle…
- Don’t make me jump off!
- If Jimmy cracks corn and nobody cares, then why does he do it?
- Where’s the button? I need a button!
- Hey, who does the cooking around here?
- Hmm… It’s very…pink in here.
- All right, who’s the jerk who left a teddy bear on my pillow?
- I am weak.
- Oh, I hope your Gundam has a reactor core meltdown!
- Who do you think you are anyway? Treize?
- You know, the last time I tried this, something blew up.
- I’ve always wondered what OZ means. Does anyone know?
- I love ice cream. Especially at 4 in the morning.
- Who’s the jerk who erased my hard drive?
- My security blanket is a computer disk. I have one on me at all times. You never know when it might come in handy.