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Dislaimer: I own Gundam Wing.Has I nice ring to it, no? Too bad its not for me to say. It belongs to others.

1. Life Beyond Life

Chapter 9

By: Yuy Ren

Jayce stared out the window as the shuttle began to move on the plat form, he watched the dot-sized people outside seeing off their friends and family that were in the shuttle, hoping that miraculously, the passengers could differentiate between the colored dots that were fervently waving.

Hope. Jayce scoffed at the word that had popped into his mind. Miss Relena, the worlds hope was poured onto you shoulders and you shook it off like dust. Who will be there to pick the dust particles off the ground? It had been a week, Jayce noted, since the dust particles were thrown onto the ground and the following week had been Hell. Miss Noin walked around like a zombie, neither eating nor sleeping, only occasionally cursing out loud; either at Romefeller, Relenas actions, or anybody who dared suggest to her to eat a bite or sleep a wink. Quatre too, numbly made preparations for Outer Space. Jayce had only found out later that Quatre WINNER was the son of the Winner family and Quatre had to gently box Jayces ears to stop him from gaping wide eyed. Jayce had heard of the Winner family, heck, everyone in space did. They were as famous as Einstein, only not that old. Meeting the son of such a prestigious family would have been a great honor, under any other circumstances, that is.

Heero was nowhere to be found, he disappeared in the midst of the battle and never returned. Jayce had proposed that perhaps he died, only to be embarrassingly laughed at. Not finding the funny clue, he concluded that Heeroand deaddid not go well in the same sentence and put it to the back of his mind for later sorting.

There was a gentle tap on his shoulder. Jayce turned away from the shuttle window to face the blonde young man sitting beside him. Quatre smiled, though it was a mere act of courtesy and only managed to show just how tired Quatre was.

Thank you for accompanying me, Jayce. I understand that perhaps outer space is not where you would want to go, considering you came to earth to escape it.

Jayce shook his head. Nah, its ok. Were going to an entirely different cluster. I justneeded to get away from my grave…”

Oh, you mean the Incident at Crest Avenue on L2 X45-5LH. Do you really consider that your grave?Quatre paused at Jayces awed expression, then smiled. You seriously think I wouldnt run a background check on you?Jayce juggled the words in his mind for a few seconds, then nodded. My family, the funny thing wasMy dads will was to let Blake and I enter a good Universityand then he be cremated. Yeah, Im not kidding, he wanted to be cremated.Jayces voice lowered by a tone. Blakes gone, Im a fugitive, and he . wellexploded.

Im sorry, Jayce. I didnt mean to start you—“

The conversation died for the rest of the flight and Quatre busied himself with thinking of places Trowa could be while Jayce slept beside him. Finding Trowa had been one of Quatres main reasons for going back into Outer Space. He was not convinced that Trowa had diedby a slash created with Quatres own sabreNO, Trowa couldnt have diedthe image of Trowas exploding suit came once again into his mind. No.. Hes not deadnot dead.. no..

Quatre! There was a strong tug at Quatres arm. He jerked and opened his eyes. HES NOT DEAD!

Jayces concerned face popped into his field of view. Quatre looked around to see many staring passengers. He smiled awkwardly and, using his sleeve, started to dry the rolling sweat beads off his forehead. It was a dream.

Quatre, you ok? You were muttering something and sweating, sorry I woke you.

No, its ok. Actually, thank you for waking me, I was having a repeating nightmare.


Mailfrom: TEMP234@stulpublic.hcrypted.L4

Mailto: Deathguy_Shinigami666@private.noaccess.L2

Subject: the kid who left and returned

Message: This is a message to Number 2. Im using a public account but I placed some simple encryptions so it should be an invisible message. I trust your account is safe. Im with an old friend of yours, the one that socializes. Hes looking for someone, you know who. Please contact him, hes home.


Since Quatres return to Outer Space, things have been busy for him. His sister Irene seemed to love putting him in charge of her division as soon as he came back. She had said something about needing a break, gave him her house keys, nodded at Jayce to acknowledge his existence and was out the door before Quatre had time to respond. Hence, Quatre sent his days in meetings and filing paper work, basically filling in for his sister. Jayce had spent the first day writing the encrypted code and e-mailing Duo, then spent the next two days playing video games that Quatres sister seemed to own. They were mostly strategy games, but as soon as Jayce got the hang of it, he zipped through her game disks like a madman on fire. Quatre could only come back each night and stare with bewilderment as the kid figured out a trick in minutes that would have taken him an hour at least. Irene had praised Quatre then for being able to play so well, saying that the average person would need days to figure it out. He was very proud of himselfbut now, looking at the kid

You should be very proud of yourself.A voice came from behind Quatre, who was standing in front of a video playing Jayce. Both Jayce and Quatre turned around to match the familiar voice with the familiar face. It was Duo.

Rofiuh.. Jayce, you should be very proud! Took Hilde three hours to figure out that strategy. Youre sharp.Duo titled his head towards Quatre and gave him a trademark smile. Hey! Buddy, long time no see! How ya been?Duo barely finished his sentence, before clomping Quatre in a bear hug that knocked Quatres breath away.


Jayces game music can be heard coming from around the corner in the other room, noted Duo, as he sat in the Living room with Quatre, who was leaning forward to pour himself some more tea.

So.. You got your job back? Heir of the Winner family?Duo commented, making conversation.

No.Quatre shook his head gently, The company belongs to my sisters, Im filling in for Irene.

Right, like I know which one that is…”


SorrySo.. Why did you go to earth?

I dont knowI was confused. I suppose for a while, I lost my reason to fight. I went back to find that reason. I think Ive found itin the heart of the Sanc Kingdom.

Duo considered this and shook his head. I dunno. Weve been rejected by all the colonies. With Ozs scheming little we-come-in-peace talk. That Lady Une is doing a good job in winning the heart of the people. Without those glasses, she seems like such a gentle soul. A lamb, really.Duo paused to take a sip of the tea and absent-mindedly noted that Quatre had peculiar tastes.

Anyway, I mean.. Weve all been prepared for this. We left on our own, without the support of the colonies but nowseeing your home turn against youMaybe Ive lost what were fighting for.. its stopped swirling his cup and looked up. The intensity of Quatres gaze startled him for a second.

Quatre spoke without hesitation. Duo. I believe in total Pacificm. I was at the Sanc Kingdom. I saw what Relena was able to do. But in order for someone like her to do her job, we have to create a foundation that can be built upon. And for that we must fight. That is the reason to fight. Ive come back to space in hopes of finding all the pilots. We have to fight, but as a team.

Duo understood perfectly well what Quatre was saying. He understood it before he even set foot inside this colony to look for Quatre. He sighed, and put down his cup. Then I suppose, you would like to know where he is.


This is the end of Chapter 9Wowkinda slowpaced chapterIm sorry. I wont blab so much next time. >.<

Hope you liked it and yeah.. please review or drop me a note. Reviewing makes my day(^_^)

Yuy Ren
