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2 x 2= Shinobuden
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Shadows: TL-chan's Anime Blog
Tuesday, 31 August 2004
Soukyuu no Fafner 08
Topic: Soukyuu no Fafner
At first this episode struck me as boring. I was very confused and so busy trying to figure out what was going on that I couldn't enjoy myself. After the emergence of the mysterious boy though, I became interested. Maya and the man she was with( I can't remember his name) have to race against the clock to escape. The boy has assumed a different form so now he's disguised. Kouyou is on a dangerous mission, and he obviously won't live.

Image descriptions:
1. Some ominous clouds
2. The mysterious boy
3. Fenrir activated
4. The boy is disguised

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 2:16 PM EDT
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Monday, 30 August 2004
Turn-A Gundam 06
Topic: Turn-A Gundam
In this episode, Dianna was being taken to the castle. However, some people were looking for her so they had to come up with an alternate strategy to get her away. This led to a little mobile suit fight. Later on, Sochie and Miashei were preparing for yet another fight. Sochie was trying to avenge her father, but not doing a very good job. Loran wound up falling into a room full of weapons. All the guns crumbled so he was forced to use a spiky ball on a chain. He deflected a lot of attacks with it and won the fight but then that crumbled too. Erm... interesting episode. I like it though. The next episode should be entertaining with the crossdressing. Loran always looked more like a girl anyway.

Image descriptions
1. Sochie, the vengeful brat whom I respect because she's a female pilot in the militia but find to be annoying
2. Kihel and Dianna
3. Loran whirls his spiky ball on a chain
4. It looked for a minute here like Loran was gonna pull a Kira (Gundam Seed fans should know what I mean)

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 7:57 PM EDT
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Sunday, 29 August 2004
Soukyuu no Fafner 07
Topic: Soukyuu no Fafner
The next two Fafner pilots (and probably the next two deaths) are Kouyou and Sakura. This episode focused mainly on Kouyou however. He's quite mad at Kazuki for not saving Shouko and I think that will be his downfall. He seems distracted by that fact. Meanwhile, Maya is leaving the base because she can't do anything there. Anyone who's seen the ending theme knows that won't be permanent though.

Image descriptions:
1. Maya looking miserable after Shouko's death
2. Soushi helping Kouyou
3. Sakura after piloting practice
4. Aww... a Tolle and Miriallia scene, er...that would be Kouyou and Maya.

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 8:21 PM EDT
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Saturday, 28 August 2004
Godannar 21-22
Topic: Shinkon Gattai Godannar
These two episodes we're, as usual, much more interesting then the preview made them look or I thought they would be when I read about them. In episode 21, to avoid Go from going insane they took him off Godannar, which he was very unhappy about. Meanwhile, Shinobu decides he wants to be a pilot and Mila is begining to be quite sad, knowing that during the five years when she was "dead" Anna got together with Go and bought him back to his original self. Shizuru beomes the new Godannar pilot and she and Anna go to fight the mimesis but are stopped by... Ken and Loe. In the next episode, Ken fights the mimesis to save the Celebrader, the robot belonging to Rosa, who he once loved. Loe becomes the new pilot of it and she combines with the now insane Ken. Meanwhile, Go takes over for Shizuru, who's awful with Godannar. Anna is commanded to stop him, but instead fights with him and is finally able to control the Go Okusar. Mila is still on standby and is angsting more. Go is begining to show signs of the insania virus.

Image descriptions:
1. Shinobu and Shizuru in the simulator
2. Young Anna and Go
3. Scary Ken
4. Mila is miserable

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 9:28 AM EDT
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Friday, 27 August 2004
Turn-A Gundam 5
Topic: Turn-A Gundam
Episode five of Turn A was easily an improvement over the 4th. We had a bit of humour thrown in with some fighting and some drama. Kihel's twin, Dianna-sama has also arrived so this could bring along some new developments.

Image descriptions:
1. Kihel scolds Loran
2. Sochie scolds Loran
3. Miashei is in trouble
4. Dianna is here

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 8:25 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 27 August 2004 8:40 AM EDT
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Thursday, 26 August 2004
2 x 2= Shinobuden 5
Topic: 2 x 2= Shinobuden
These two episodes were very fun. Perverse, yet fun. The part with Onsokumaru and the mushroom was naughty. The little yellow ball's cute and loveable though, so I'll forgive him.

Image descriptions:
1. Onsokumaru looks scary here
2. Shinobu and Kaede after being blown away by the storm
3. Shinobu, Kaede and Miyabi being chased
4. Onsokumaru looking cute and sittle next to Izumi

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 9:51 AM EDT
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Naruto 98
Topic: Naruto
I really liked this episode for a number of reasons. One was that it was a nice break from all the fighting. I'm more interested in characters then battles so I like this type of episode. Another is that most of the cast was in it. It's cool to see them once in a while. Reason number three was a cute SasuSaku scene. The one thing in this episode that made me sad was the part with Lee. I hope that if he does get the surgery he lives since he's one of my favorite characters.

Image descriptions:
1. Konohamaru is depressed after learning there's a new Hokage
2. Sakura hugs Sasuke after he's healed by Tsunade
3. Naruto and Iruka eating ramen
4. Lee learns of his condition

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 9:10 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 August 2004 9:15 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 August 2004
Turn-A Gundam 4
Topic: Turn-A Gundam
This episode was somewhat interesting, but the other three that I've seen were better. I can't think of much to say about this episode other then that. I'm hoping to see an improvement in the next episode.

Image descriptions:
1. This thing may be weirder then the gundam
2. The weird-looking gundam does a weird pose
3. Scary eyes!
4. What the heck is the thing they discovered anyway?

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 9:47 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 August 2004 7:22 AM EDT
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Soukyuu no Fafner 06
Topic: Soukyuu no Fafner
This was quite a dramatic episode. Shouko died, but that didn't surprise me in the least, considering that the episode title hinted it. At first I thought Shouko was being selfish in this episode, but it soon became clear that it was the exact opposite. Still, I think Kazuki would've felt a little bit happier if he died instead.
Image Descriptions:
1. Shouko suits up
2. Shouko as a child with her mother
3. Kazuki is saddest of all about Shouko's death

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 10:08 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 September 2004 7:23 PM EDT
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Turn-A Gundam 03
Topic: Turn-A Gundam
I find this Gundam show to be quite enjoyable. I'm now remebering why I disliked Sochie in episode 1. She's such a brat. All she did in this episode was complain, complain, complain. I was happy when Loran slapped her. We know she's an AU Gundam girl because her father died, just like Relena, Rain, Fllay, Cagalli and probab;y others that i can't think of.
Image descriptions:
1. Loran and Sochie in the Gundam

Pictures 2-4 were screwed up. Stupid computer, I hate you!

Posted by gundam/animeblog at 7:18 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 August 2004 9:11 AM EDT
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