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Spike Speigel


Full Name: Spike Speigel

Age 27(Born on Mars)

As a member of the Red Dragons, Chinese mafia group Spike was impetuous and volatile, and had a sense of what was right. Now, however, he is cool and selfpossessed, and has taken steps to hide this past so that he can live a free life. Together with his partner, Jet Black, Spike the bounty hunter flits from planet to planet in the spaceship Bebop. Relishing new encounters and loving danger, he never forgets to crack a joke no matter how dire his predicament. A practitioner of Jeet Kune Do...Spike is never defeated in unarmed melee combat. He attaches little value to money or the concept of justice, but he will always fulfill his obligations. He believes in accomplishing everything in his own way and has uter faith in his own values. As a result of this, he is always embroiled in some kind of trouble. he excels at Sword Fish II a form of high speed combat and his privately built "baby" is the fastest ship of its type. This ship is a customized version of one originally developed for racing in asteroid belts. He worships the martial artist and philosopher Bruce Lee as his spiritual master.
