You want to get an award from me? You can submit your site to me via e-mail. If I enjoy your site, I'll give you *Great Gundam site!* and/or *Great Gallery* award.
The requirements for this award are: Must pertain to Gundam Wing; Must have at least 200 hits; Must have a guestbook with at least 10 signatures; Must have a least 1 interactive section(polls, forum, add your own link, etc); Must have a link to The GW Realm; Must not have excessive use of profanity or nudity; Must have at least 2 types of multimedia(gallery, animated gallery, music, movies, etc); And I must enjoy it.
The requirements for this award are: Must perttain to anime; Must have a gallery; Gallery must have at least 25 images(including anything from an animated gallery); Must have at least 200 hits; Must not have excessive use of profanity or nudity; And I must enjoy it.
The requirements for this award are: Must pertain to Dragonball Z; Must not have excessive use of profanity or nudity; Must have at least 200 hits; Must have at least 2 types of multimedia; Must have 1 kind of interactive section; And I must enjoy it.