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This Page is all about the TQML, a mailing list to the wonderful couple Trowa and Quatre. This is a site list where you can join it and read fics,fanart or you can also write and send in stuff too, but be warned this site is yaoi friendly and they won't permit flaming of anykind, if you do it can result in you getting kicked off the list. Also long as you follow their rules you shouldn't have a problem getting along with everyone. I have already made some wonderful friends their, the people that I talk to are really friendly so don't think that there will be no one there to make you feel welcome. I will always greet you and make you feel welcome, as well as everyone else. If you want to join up with this list go to the site at the bottom of the page or join by putting your e-mail in the box below either way will get you signed up. ^_^.



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