
"And do you Sally Po take Chang Wufei to be your husband until death do you part?" the minister asked Sally, who was standing next to Wufei in a chapel.

The guys and girls all planned their weddings together. Sally and Wufei were the last to be joined in holy matrimony. "I do," Sally proclaimed with true love in her eyes. Wufei had an equal look when the minister said that he could now kiss Sally.

At the reception everyone was having a ball. There was music and a ton of food, which Duo already tried.

Everyone was standing around talking. "This casserole is great, who made it?" Duo asked.

"I did," Dorothy said. "Hilde what did you make?"

"Nothing," she said as Duo started to giggle.

"Why?" Dorothy asked.

Hilde glared at Duo, but it was too late. Duo said, "Because Hilde can’t cook. She burnt butter in the microwave. Everyone, except Hilde, started to laugh.

"Come on don’t pick on Hilde," Catherine said trying to calm her giggles. "Everyone has burned butter in the microwave once in their life time."

"Have you Cathy?" Hilde asked with hope in her voice.

"Well actually no."

Seeing that Hide was getting embarrassed, Duo said, "Well maybe we better go. It’s getting late and we still have a marriage to consummate."

"Is that the only reason you married me?" Hilde asked.

"Well," Duo said jokingly. Hilde playfully hit Duo’s shoulder. They said their good-byes and headed to the door. As they walked out the door Duo turned to Hilde and said, "I love you."

Soon everyone left and it was just Heero and Relena left.

"Well it looks like we have a lot to clean up," Relena said looking around at the mess. In the one corner most of the things that were on the table were on the floor. Sally fell over earlier and grabbed the nearest thing… the tablecloth.

"First we have business to attend to," Heero said pulling Relena towards him.

"Oh Heero," Relena sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too."