May 26, 2003:
Hey everyone...I know it has been a looonnnggg time since I last updated. I've been a little busy with life in general, but now that I have a little time I updated. There are new fanfics and I changed the color a bit. Eventually, I'd like to set up a totally new layout...but I have to think of how it will be. Anyhoo, go have fun reading fics. Also, write some and send it my way. Thanks.
January 16,2003:
Hey Guys and Gals! Today I made an extrememly small update, you may have already seen the new addition. The scrolling quote on the main page. Well, this is where you visitors come in. I plain to update quotes when ever I get the chance and I would love it if you send me your favorite quotes. Please add in who said the quote
(even if it was started by you). Thanks all and of course enjoy.
January 4, 2003:
Hey everyone! Well as you can tell I worked on the layout of the site a little today. What do you all think? I also added a bio section for Catherine and Quatre, and a data section for Sandrock. Enjoy.
January 3, 2003:
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! Hopefully, everyone has a great new year! I have updated! I wrote a new fic and it is in the muti-pairing section. Enjoy!
December 25, 2002:
Okay so perhaps I have been a wee bit lazy.... Well, in my defense, I've had a lot on my mind. Anyhoo, I have finally updated. They are in the QWxCB section and there is one in the song fic section so go a head and check them out. By the way if anyone has any Gundam Wing fictions or art please send them my way. Thanks. Happy Holidays to all and I hope everyone has a great New Year!
August 31, 2002:
Man has it been a long time since an update? Well here is one! Check out the fan fictions there are new ones up. Enjoy.
June 24, 2002:
I just got a beautiful fanart submission. Take a look; it is by Lily. Other than that there is not a huge update. Thanks.
June 18, 2002:
Finally, I've finished The Winning Woman! Check it out. Also if you did not notice I have added a picture to get you to the main page. I am so.. proud of my self. By the way if anyone has any thing to add please email me. Thanks.
May 25, 2002:
There has been an update to The Winning Woman. I have also added links, so check them out.
May 17, 2002:
There is a new fan art for The Winning Woman it is of Heero and Relena. I will finish the typing of The Winning Women this weeking and hopefully it will be up soon.
May 12, 2002:
There is a new chapter added to "The Winning Woman." Check it out. Hopefully I will finish typing the other chapters out and they will be posted soon.