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My Friends

Shoutouts to all my friends. If you're not on here just talk to me about it, I'll get you on.

Tamara-Tara Marinara Sauce!!! Or...not quite...I Love You!!! And so long as I live I shall never stop, come what may. Don't eat any possum!
Marci-Good times...Yay Jesus! You are the Advisor to Young Teacher...and me...I'm Young Sexy, right?
Amberly-Biscuit! Ok, I'm sorry milady. You are the Princess, and I am your Executioner... 'Off with his head!'
Devlin-You passed Trig! lol. Crackhead Olympics man...takin' it to the next level!
Ian-Never speak again. Pleased to not sacrifice me to Jamie again, yes? many bonus points will we lose today?
Olivia-Thanks for talking to me at YES. Erskine still wants your panties!
Seth-Are you sure you're not gay?
Howard-How dare you take my key! And why did you keep coming back for more???
Nate-'Is it over yet?' 'Is it over yet?' "Yes, we're already done." 'Oh...'. Boobs!
Erskine-PINKY!!!Everything's just a bunch of zeroes and ones! 'I'm the only gay eskimo!'
Donald-Brain! Mine! Mine! Mine! It's all just a bunch of zeroes and ones!
Sandy-It was great rooming with you man!
Jimmy-Jimmy! Get out of the bushes!!!
Andy-You're a freak dude! Sweet site!
Max-Mr. Martial Arts Master.
Mac-Keep up the good shirts dude! 'Move please get out da way' yeah I know I'm a freak!
Alex-Boba Fett! Perfect Dark is still the best and I'm still better than you! 'Scrambled...'
William-Will the Yam! 'Stupid Bench!' lol. The Meaning of Life is the Square Root of Three.
John-Saba! Keep up the guitar work man and don't give up on Classic Rock! The Allman Brothers Live at Filmore East
Will-You shall teach me HTML someday...'It was a homemade potato battery...'lol.
William-Willy G! Awesome site dude!
Liz-Satan! YES has been extended isn't that awesome! 'I'm spider-man!' 'Buttered Toast!' come back this summer!
Jacob-Dude! 'I eat soda cans' I eat soda! You're awesome at StarCraft and WarCraft III but drop the Christian Rock.
Ashli-Rebecca! (or maybe Rebexxa) You're scary. Stop telling me about you're scary-freaky dreams! Your site is awesome!
Sharon-Thank you for the what you told me. I was happy for a while. really are a little...and I stress LITTLE penguin.
Jourdan-Stop poking me! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT BURNSSSSS IT BURNSSS! Keep up the great manga.
Lindsey-Ha! You did it wrong and I'm right. You're stupid like the bench.
Joanna-You're too quiet! Speak up we can't hear you!
Emir-Elmo! It's been great dude! Awesome parties. Remember Oonie? and the pencils? and and and BUTTERED TOAST!
David-You're hilarious dude. Dong-Ching! No! 'Poke poke...'
Thomas-Dude...your cat is evil...
Georgia-I'm a good poltergeist! 'Preciousssss...' ok...I'll stop now.
Bryan-Bgoolsby! Spanish Armada! Yeah. 'I want some Moclams...' Ok.
Greg-' the yam...of death...' lol...yeah...last year was great. This year is better though!
Victor-I closed your locker with my head! Jill...yeah she's hot! 'Penny!'
Kyle-MOE! Yeah man, Jill's hot! Bike Messenger...clipped me...took me out...
Jessica-Javert! You are really slow! Well at least you get it eventually...
Beth-'You could mess up your blood flow...or even die!' lol that was kind of the point.
John-You are such an idiot keer... The meaning of life is the square root of three.
Edward-Yeah...what can I yeah...
Gullatte-Jeffreyho! you stupid little jeffreyho!
Zach-ZLBOB! Beware the Penis Fish...
Katie-I will win and you know it. I'm not a character from Dr. Suess! It's Hitler/Jean Valjean/Loser! 'AAHHHHHHHH! IT'S GODZILLA!!!' Lobster!
Zak-Yeah, I'm a crackhead I know...
Kent-No! DON'T Hurt me! I'm not dead!
Zach-Gone Cheese-Buffalo fishin!
Brad-The evil Mrs. Tolbert's reign is finally over!
Scott-'I quit.' ' quit every day...' 'Shut up and turn around!'
Haley-It's your amish blood... 'What time is it?' "9:11" next day...'What time is it?' "9:11"
Lauren-TAXI! No. The universe is not Lauren-o-centric!
Jesse-No, I'm sorry
Nico-You little short freak. Yeah, Emily and Jordan are pretty hot, we did a good job. Don't go to Tennessee...we love you here! And we won't have anyone to mess with!
Marc-Dude, just don't say anything. You are a perverted freak. 'You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.'
Chase-Dude, SOCOM is so much better than SOCOM 2...I command you to get it!
