God it's been awhile. Sorry. But just so anyone who stumbles across this site knows, I'm grounded. Which is why I haven't done shit with the site. However I do have some good news. I'm going to finish learning HTML (I'm only working with an incomplete knowledge here. More or less just basic tags.), I may learn PHP so I can create my own forum, and design it the way I want it, as opposed to how invisionfree has designed it, and I may get a new server to run both my forum and this site because Angelfire is a bitch. I don't know when any of this will occur as I am still grounded, but hopefully within the next year.
--buttered toast

Not a lot to say today. My forum is doing rather well. It got off to a slow start, but it's doing nicely now. A lot better than my first two attempts. Third times a charm huh? Oh well. You should check it out. Seriously. Go. Now. Zebra Cove Go there now!

Ah...A sad day. Amberly and Pat both left yesterday. Sad. Oh well...must move on, yes? Anyway, not much to add today. Go to T-Shirt Hell.com and buy cool shirts. Wanna have cool shirts like me? Sorry, you can't. But you can have T-Shirt Hell shirts and maybe you won't be such a loser. Heh...Peace!
--good poltergeist

Okie-day...W007!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneone!1one1!1! Got the new forum up. Took awhile, but it's there now. Go check it out! We need members that we do...considering I'm sorta the only one. Ah...I really need to do my summer work for school. Well see ya later! I love you Tamara!

WHEEEEEEE!!! Yay, I have a life now...which is why I haven't been updating...as opposed to just being grounded as I usually am. But anyway, I have a girlfriend now, Tamara Beil, Greatest. Person. In. The. World. Period. She's so incredibly wonderful. I've never been this happy, nor have I been happy for this long (been down so long looks like the top from here...hehehe...) but she's in Arizona right now so I have some time to update around here, and let me tell you it needs it. I've been putting up jokes here and there, and some quizzes as well...I have a place at Melodramatic.com so I'll be getting lots of quizzes. Anyway, I've been thinking about getting the forum back up, because I know people now that might actually want to join. Because they're cool. But that's all for now...Laters! I LOVE YOU TAMARA!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneone!1one1!1!

Christ it's been awhile! Being grounded sucks! And thus, this place has gone to Hell. Ah well, I fixed some things, cleaned up the code on the main page. Deleted broken links, deleted broken images, and transferred images from various sites to this one, so they wouldn't break if those other sites went down. I've been doing some work with song lyrics, and hopefull I'll get that up within a month or two. Until then, laters!
--good poltergeist

Whoa. It's been awhile hasn't it? Well, I haven't done a whole lot, added an AIM quotes page, a joke page, and a Forum. Finally I get a Forum! Go check it out at Space For Sale. Anyway, Later!

Some of you may have noticed that some of the pictures aren't working right now. The site I got them from is currently down. As soon as they get back up, I'm going to fix the pictures so that they aren't dependent on that site (don't know why I didn't do that in the first place, oh well, too late now). Other than that, not too much has happened. I don't really know what to do with the place right now. Ok, see ya!
--good poltergeist

Okay. So far, haven't done much. I changed a few things, but nothing big that merits inclusion in the news. However, today, I went through the home in the webshell and cleaned up the code. I'm sure none of you really care, but, it makes everything much easier to work with, and it looks better too.

Whoa. It's been a long time since I've updated. Ok, so I'm gonna do an update on here pretty soon if not right now. In other news, one of my friends died, school started, Megan broke up with me, and my life is a wreck. Glimmer of hope: marching band. Football season has started so I'll have a lot to do, and it's always fun. So, about the site. The first thing I'm going to do, is get rid of that MIDI DOOM95 file that plays when you open the site. Certain people complained about it, and I don't really listen to it anyway, so it goes bye-bye. Then, I guess I'll add other sections. Until then, see ya!

Hey all, just got back from Y.E.S. camp, and I had a blast. I'd definitely go to it if I were you, but I'm not you and I don't want you to take my spot at Y.E.S. so nevermind. Anyway, I have a new girlfriend and she makes me very happy. Woohoo! I LOVE YOU MEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok. That's it, just thought you'd like to know I'm back now. Ok, see ya!
--Buttered Toast

Ok. Reorganized everything on here. Put all the links in different places. Put all my quizzes in one link, all my friend's sites in one, all other sites in another etc... Now everything looks much neater and cleaner. Ok, that's about it. See ya!

Hey all, it's been awhile, but, I've made some changes. First off, you'll notice the title banner. Not that great, I know, but, it's finally done, so that's all that matters. Also, I finally got ahold of the URL for my Boy Scout Troop's website, and put over in my links section. I've been meaning to do that for some time, as Boy Scouts is an important part of my life (it's the part that keeps me from updating my site here!) and I just felt like I should put them on my site. Ok, that's about it right now, working on PSO Daemon.com, compiling data etc...Ok, see ya!
--good poltergeist

You know what's cool? Those funny little error pages that Angelfire has. I just saw one that said 'Sorry, this page can only be viewed by Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earheart, Jim Morrison, and Howard Hughes." I thought it was really funny. Then I was like 'Who's Jimmy Hoffa?' and I was confused, so then I came here, and wrote this stuff. Now I'm bored so I am going to leave. See ya!
--good poltergeist

Whoa! I haven't updated in nearly a month! Anyway, I just did some updates. I took off the broken links, and changed the links of sites who changed their locations. Other than that, not too much is happening. Only half a day left of school then I'm out for the summer! Ok, that's it for now. See ya!

Not a whole lot today. Took down the forum, and added some links. I had a brilliant idea, but I have since forgotten what it was. Oh well, see ya!
--good poltergeist

Hey all. I didn't do much today. Then, when I was looking at paintball markers, I had a brilliant idea: I should start a team. We'd be the 08th MS Team (you know from [that's Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team] yeah...). I just need to get a sponsor and everything would rock. Ok, that's it for now. See ya!

Alright! Finally got my new layout set up, and it looks much better. Finally! My site is now organized like a real website instead of just some panzy page. Also, I got a Forum! It's pretty good, it's free so it's not as good as the ones you have to pay for, but all in all it's nice. You don't have to sign up for it or anything, just leave your name and post. It's that simple. Tell me what you think. Enjoy, see ya!
--Buttered Toast

Major changes today. First off, you'll notice this nice little IFrame for the updates. This keeps my page from getting so incredibly long that you can never find the end. Second, I have removed quite a few of my links. Many of them I just felt didn't need to be there any longer, the rest were just failed experiments. I have designed a new layout for my page, but I have yet to set it up. It's going to make everything a lot better. Ok, see ya!
--good poltergeist

Hey all, Andy and Will's Forum moved, so I changed the link. Other than that, not too much goin on. Ok, see ya!

Hey all, check out this cool link: Vampires. It's a game called Vampires, in which you, not surprisingly, play a Vampire out to drink blood. It's really cool. If you click on that link, you can join. Everyone should join, it's really fun. Ok, that's all. See ya!

Hey all, I created a site devoted to the square root of three (the meaning of life), and added it to my links. It's on a different generator so it'll look a little weird, but oh well. Also, I added some new effects with JavaScript, so everything is cooler now. Ok, see ya!
--Buttered Toast

Today I added some links, such as William's Pickle Page, Web Developer's Guild, and Kyle's Site of Moosey Doom. Also learned how to do tables, which are cool, and so I made a stupid table on my stupid sample site (see below). Also I added a new piece of writing. Ok, that's it for now, see ya!

Hey all, today I taught Alex how to make a website on Angelfire. So cool! I created a stupid site along with him just to help him along. I added both sites to my links page. Now the Web Designers Guild is up to 4 members *YAY!* we also now have a sponsor, and a place to do our work. This is so cool! Finally we are able to do our web-work in the open without having to sneak around and do it behind teachers backs. Yes, this makes everything much easier. Also, now that we have a sponsor with a room and a projector, Will can teach us much more much faster. So, that's about it. Ok, see ya!

Ok. Today was my first official HTML lesson with William Dodd, it went pretty well, except I already knew everything (he was teching Alex basic tags, and without those, I wouldn't have this site, retarded though it may be). Then I came home, did some stuff on the site. Mostly I changed colors, although I added some javascript, and a new 'About me' page (it's in links). Ok, that's it for now, see ya!
--good poltergeist

Hey all, today I tried to fix some flaws in my site (mainly dealing with color), but then Angelfire decided they did not like me fixing my site, and they messed everything up further, at which I became very ticked, and fixed everything again and got mad and stuff. Oh well. Everything works now so I guess it's ok. OK, see ya!
--good poltergeist

Hey all, added some sayings. Steven Wright is really cool. Read some of my writing and stuff. Have fun and enjoy it all and don't forget to sign the guestbook.
--Buttered Toast

Hey all, fixed some flaws in the design. Did some other stuff. Added some links. Sign the Guestbook and stuff.

Added guestbook. Sign it and stuff and make me happy.

Added Friends shout-out page. I think I got all the flaws out too. Ok that's it. See ya!