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Quotes and stuff

This is where I shall put random quotes from random AIM conversations with random people. Cool huh?

good poltergeist: i'll just have to...have what was i doing again...? gonna have to...uh...have to throw small pieces of paper at you!

good poltergeist: A Tasnia should be like a fox...--Machiavelli

DeviouslySEXY101: what do you know about my hornyness?!?!?!

good poltergeist: i'm not a pornaholic

good poltergeist: how dare you scoff at Santa, Reaver of Souls!

chachingoyea: u scared the chicken out of me

Polak36830:if you were a coconut you would be in immortal danger. Something like Raidan.
Polak36830:coconuts are hard to kill

GuItAr MoNkEy 55:almost as bad as drowning in a toilet
GuItAr MoNkEy 55:that would suck
GuItAr MoNkEy 55:you drop your brownie in the toilet
GuItAr MoNkEy 55: so you reach in to get it and your hair gets stuck in the seat
GuItAr MoNkEy 55:and in your frantic struggle to get out you inhale massive amounts of toilet water
GuItAr MoNkEy 55: and they find you lying dead on the floor with the toilet overflowing ont he ground and brown stuff(the brownie) smeared all over your face

GuItAr MoNkEy 55: he needs to be kicked by large farm animals

blindskater22147:11 Reasons to date a hockey player
1. They always wear protection.
2. They are used to scoring.
3. They have great stamina.
4. They have great hands.
5. They find the opening and get it in.
6. They never miss the target.
7. They know how to use their wood.
8. They have long sticks.
9. They know when to play rough.
10. Because baseball players only know how to hit balls.
11. When we stop we spray the white stuff.

good poltergeist:go with the flow and you don't get run over by oncoming traffic, yes?

good poltergeist:btw...pressing shift helps make question marks
DeviouslySEXY101: yeah the shift button is like stuck
DeviouslySEXY101:so i have to press extra hard to get it
good should get it viagra

good poltergeist:'s an old war injury...
good poltergeist:turn your head and cough...and whatnot...

DeviouslySEXY101 signed off at 9:44:42 AM.
DeviouslySEXY101 signed on at 9:44:42 AM.