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Doesn't he look .. sporty? x.x; Name: Chang Wufei
Nickname: The Solitary Dragon
Mobile Suits: Shenlong Gundam, Altron Gundam
Pilot Number: 05
From: The L5 Colony
Ages: 15
Height: 5’ 2”
Weight: 101 pounds
Blood Type: B
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Midnight Black
Associated With: Master O
Japanese Seiyuu*: Ishino Ryuuzo

Wufei was a member of the Dragon Clan, which was famed as the strongest fighting group. They were exiled from China because those in power feared them. The Dragon Clan stayed in Colony A0206, part of the L5 cluster. Wufei and Ron Meiran were married. The marraige was arranged. Meiran died, and Wufei decided to live to fight for justice, what Meiran believed in. He named his Gundam Nataku in honor of Meiran. Wufei fights on his own, and is often arrogant and proud.

About Meiran
[ Coming Soon. Please visit, a great site about Meiran. ]

[ Here's different views of Wufei's head o.o; ]

Wufei's head e.e;;;

* Seiyuu means "Voice Actor"