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This is my homoework for the October 3, 2002 lesson on Vectors and Nodes.

This is the homework from the June 3, 2002 lesson on the Blinking Kitten.

This is image from the "Blinking Kitten Eyes" tutorial. I followed the directions exactly to do this one.

This is my baby, FlutieFlakes. I used a photo of her to make my own version of the "Blinking Kitten Eyes" tutorial homework. I first cleaned up the image and added a blue background. Then I followed the instructions for making the eyes. After that, I added the floral tubes. I think I should've added the tubes BEFORE doing the eyes, as the animation shows the flowers moving when she "blinks", as well as her eyes. I may go back and fix this, but am fairly happy with this anyway, since it's only my third try animating anything.