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<title>Trowa </title>
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<h1 align="left">Trowa </h1>

<div align="center"><img src="TrowaB.jpg"></div>

<!--Freetext-->Trowa is my favorite gundam pilot. Trowa has anti-gravitional hair which has sort of become his trademark. He is known as the saddest clown in the world because he hardly ever talks and smiles even less. His sister Catherine is super-protective of him even though he's capable of taking care of himself. He is called Nanashi which means no-name in Japenese, and his real name is Triton Bloom. He is probaly the most flexible of the group and also does some acrobatic-type attacks in his Gundam, Heavyarms.<!--EndFreetext-->

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<a href="TrowaH.jpg">Trowa w/ Heavyarms</a><br>
<a href="Trowashrine">My Trowa Shrine</a><br>
