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Ok please respect my wishes and ask the artist before you take the images please i will have the emails up later on but please ask or ask me and i'll ask them for you. Now I really love this fanart stuff and you are welcome to e-mail me and send me your fanart. Thanks.


She really has a gift with drawing, these are some of my favs.

Angel Quatre

Funky Quatre

Quatre and Trowa about to kiss

A pencil drawing of Trowa as a Clown

Cute little drawing of Quatre

Trowa and Quatre sleeping


She is also good at drawing. again some of my favs.

Quatre as a butterfly

Quatre in the rain

Quatre and Trowa just after the wedding


Trowa and Quatre in space

Trowa and Quatre in the summer

Trowa and Quatre hugging


I love this one pic of Quatre it has to be one of my top 5 favs on this page.

Angel Quatre crying


Trowa and Quatre blushing

Caught in the act

Trowa holding Quatre's head


This is my friends artwork

Full body shot of Quatre from my fic Mystical Lovers

Head shot of Quatre from Mystical Lovers

Prince Trowa from Mystical Lovers

Trowa & Quatre kissing

This is what the child of Trowa and Quatre might look like

My Fanart

Quatre as an angel

Quatre posing

I can't remember the artists are but i'll let you know when i find out.

Trowa and Quatre hugging as angels

Nice headshot of Quatre

I hope to have more soon!!!!^_^
