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Duos convulsed in disgust against the restraints, as the blood was forced down his throat. This had been going on for quite some time now, at least ten days, and every time it, even though it was less and less repulsive, but the very idea still made him want to throw up.

It had started slowly, with the monsters sucking the blood from him until he could barely walk, him being to scared to say anything, for the threat of being deemed unable to complete the mission The last time however he was knocked out and dragged before the one now forcing him to drink the dark red, metallic flavoured liquid.

Duo had no idea what these monsters wanted with him, or what they were, he was to weak to think of the name that he must have heard at one point or the other. All he knew was that after being forced to drink the blood, the monster would usually lean forward and sink long sharp fangs into his neck. Also that after about an hour after the monster would do this, he would experience some sort of change. Usually it was a sharpening in senses.


Duo had been missing for nearly ten days, Quatre was starting to get really worried, and he, Heero believed he knew what had happened to the braided boy.


He had noticed that Duo had returned to the dorm from his last class extremely weak for the last month before his disappearance, upon closer inspection one night (the night before Duo disappeared) he noticed the fading marks on the boys’ neck.

He had known at that point that the creatures were attacking Duo. Fading marks on a person’s neck was usually a sign of an experienced vampire; they had the power to heal the wound so as to be inconspicuous, and remain unknown to the human world.

Heero’s suspicions were that the leader had taken a liking towards the braided boy and decided to either finish him off, so that no other could feast (the most unlikely of the two), or make Duo a vampire as well, and for such a scenario Heero may be forced to kill him.


When the last of the blood had been finished off, the monster leaned forward over Duo and as the boy had been expecting, sank those merciless fangs into his neck. Duo opened his mouth in a silent scream that had died in his throat, or been sucked out with the blood.

The pain was great but there was absolutely no way for him to fight it off, he had tried that once already before, it had not worked.

When the monster was done he parted from Duo slowly, “Don’t worry my sweet. The pain will stop soon and you will be one of us…” Duo whimpered.

“Please stop…” Duo pleaded, “I can’t take anymore.”

“Don’t worry… you’ll be perfectly fine, in fact, you’ll be better then fine,” the monster muttered then gently patted the boy on the cheek before he walked away.


If Duo was alive, Heero would have to locate him quickly, the boy would probably be almost half vampire by now, but as long as he still had a sense of who he was, and wasn’t dramatically changed yet, then everything would be fine.

Heero knew that there was a group of vampires really close to the school, probably in the forest that was partly on the grounds.

He searched through his things and cursed. He didn’t have anything adequate for killing vampires… well it actually didn’t matter. Vampires could smell fresh live blood, and his blood wasn’t exactly fresh ore live anymore. How does that work you ask? Well is starts like this:

Once upon a time there was a person named Adin Lowe Jr. Adin was an ambitious young man, living in the time of A.C. 59. He was born on earth but was very passionate toward the colonies, which he visited constantly.

One day, while walking in a dark alleyway after getting turned around, he spotted something that looked rather… strange to his young eyes. It was a small man, not much taller then his knee. He loped towards him.  Suddenly a soft chant filled the boys ears.

‘I touch your self,

Twiddle Dee,

Total immortality.

I touch your soul,

Goodness me,

I change your personality.

I touch your mind,

Goodle gone,

Giving you strength like newborn stone.

I touch your heart,

Doodle doo,

No more emotion for one like you.

Leaving only bits and bones,

For the person touched by Griblyownes’

Adin thought this was all horribly funny and burst into laughter. The little man glared daggers into the youth.

Before Adin knew what was happening the little thing had changed for the worst. Eight long hairy legs replaced the two short man like ones. The face twisted, the eyes growing black and beady, the mouth filling with fangs. Suddenly the horrifying creature was upon Adin. Adin’s insides twisted and, he was changing, everything was changing. The boy jerked away from the thing right before the change was complete. He still had some emotion, though not much, and he felt as though he would be unable to show them for the rest of the eternity he was now forced to live.



That’s how Heero remembered it… he was once that before mentioned Adin Lowe Jr. His body had died with the life he had had, Heero was now no more then a shell, trapped inside an unchanging body for all eternity, or until the spell would be broken.


Duo lay, weak on table where he was restrained. Pain was taking over his body, his thoughts. Things were changing, that’s all he knew.

What was happening to him? He knew it had something to do with what the monster was doing to him… but what?

He heard something in the bushes and panicked. It was coming back!!! He struggled, trying to get away before the thing appeared but it was no use. He could tell that others had met the same fate as he soon would. He stopped struggling; knowing that it was useless and just shut his eyes tightly.

“Duo?” HEERO!!!! It was Heero; he had come to rescue him.

“HEERO!!!” Duo cried with relief, “Help me please!” he felt his cheeks become damn… he was crying.

“Shhhh!” Heero warned.

To late.

The sound of bushes and branches being shoved aside as someone ran towards them could be heard.

Duo began to panic again and began to sob more. Heero began to cut through the restraints; he would NOT let Duo become full vampire.

Heero could see the vampire approaching with inhuman speed. Duo cried out in despair, he must have seen the vampire approach as well.

Heero growled, nervously as he cut through the third strap. He was reaching for the fourth strap when he was pounced from behind. He hit the ground hard. The vampire tried to claw him or bite him to death. Heero didn’t know which.

“Duo!” he called desperately, noticing that the boy had gotten out of the last restraint by undoing the tricky buckle. He then got up and backed away, watching Heero be mauled by the monster.

(Authors note: #(blah)# = the little voice inside Duo’s head

                        <(blah)> = Duo ‘s voice inside Duo’s head)

#(I’ll take over for you…)# said a quiet voice in Duo’s head #(Your friend will not come to harm, only the monster)#. Without knowing why, Duo let the little voice take over for him, it freed him from his state of blind panic.

Duo walked over to were Heero was being beaten up and grabbed the Vampire from on top of the stoic boy. The Vampire flew into a nearby tree as Duo tossed him, seemingly effortless.

Heero stared up in surprise, through one black eye, “Duo?” he asked.

“Sort of,” Replied the longhaired boy, before going after the Vampire again and breaking it’s neck with inhuman strength.

When that was done, Duo collapsed against the stone bed he had been held to. Heero crawled over to the boy, “Are you alright?” he asked.

Duo sighed, “Aside from having a multiple personality, I think so…” he muttered.

Heero nodded, “We’d better get back… Quatre is worried as hell…” Was that concern in Heero Yuy’s voice?

Duo nodded, “I think you’re right…” he muttered and they walked off into the dark forest.