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Duo poured his coffee in irritation today. He was in a huff about a terrorist group that the preventors had failed to get a lead on for over a week already. The door opened, and since Wufei was the only other that dared enter a room when Duo was in a bad mood, then the braided boy automatically assumed it was the oriental.

  “Hey Wu-man, what’s up?” he asked. Usually the lack of response would worry Duo into turning to look at his comrade, but today he was in to angry a mood to really notice anything beyond his own train of thought.

  An arm wrapped around Duo’s face, while a second locked the first into place; blocking off his mouth and nose and refusing to allow him to breathe. A second pair of hands reached for his gun, and a third pair for his hands, which were secured behind his back. Once he was rather helpless they let go and the braided preventor gasped for air.

  Before he could see who his assailants were, he was being dragged into the main office with his own gun pointed at his head.

  People looked up and many jaws dropped in shock to see one of their best men being held hostage in front of their very eyes.

  Heero was of the last to look up, his jaw joined the many others on the floor in shock.

  “Alright!” yelled on of the men, “here are the terms for you friends safety. Number one- hand over all guns to this man right here,” obviously he was pointing at someone, “Number two- Any shit from you and you’ll find your friend’s head all over the place. Number three- you’ll all do exactly as I say until we get what we want!”

  Duo struggled and got a hard knock on the head with the butt of the gun… HIS gun.

  Someone whispered in his ear, “Aren’t you a little young to be one of the preventors best investigators?”

  Duo chuckled, “Aren’t you a little old to be a terrorist?” he replied, awarding him the knock with the butt of the gun that knocked him out.


  Heero watched as Duo went limp and the man called, “Alright! Time to hand in the guns!”

  Wufei suddenly burst through the door yelling about, “INJUS-“ before he saw what was going on and tried to turn around again… obviously to get help. A gunshot rang clear and people ducked and cried out, all except Heero who saw Wufei stumble as blood exploded from his chest. The blonde and brunette, namely Quatre and Trowa who had been right behind him ran up to catch the boy.

  “GET IN HERE!” Bellowed the terrorist holding Duo, “Or the braided boy will die!”

  Heero watched Quatre and Trowa glance at each other with grim looks before carrying Wufei into the main office.


  Duo groaned as he woke up. His head was throbbing with every beat of his heart and it hurt like all hell had broken loose inside his brain.

  He opened his eyes slowly to find that he was still cuffed, but this time he was laying on the ground next the other four ex-pilots.

  "He’s awake,” crowed Quatre with relief.

  His cry alerted the terrorists and the walked over, “How nice to see you awake…” said one of them, before looking at the others, “Should we use him as an example as his Chinese friend is kind of out of it?”

  The others turned eyes on Duo and nodded with malicious grins, “That sounds like a good idea…” one of them muttered in reply.

  Duo stared up in nervousness and horror.

  Within half an hour, the terrorists had Duo screaming in pain at the top of his lungs…