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Heero ran down the halls alone, the five pilots had split up completely once a certain braided baka had announced that they were safe, and that there wasn’t even a guard in the halls.. apparently someone had heard because seconds later the halls were teaming with people, it had been a trap, and the baka had announced their arrival. Heero would be sure to give Duo a piece of his mind when they got back to the safe house.

He was coming up to a three way intersection of halls, he pulled out his gun and pressed himself against the wall, {one.. two.. three!} he counted to himself, jumping from his spot into one of the halls, gun outstretched, only to have a gun put into his face, and his in the other persons neck. Heero stood there startled.

The person was masked, and wore all black, and had a long metallic stick that looked suspiciously like a thermal weapon hung from their back. {Duo?...} he thought to himself, but no the person was defiantly a woman.

Before Heero had the chance to respond, he was thrown to the floor, rolled to his stomach and had his hands pinned to his back.. this person was /incredible/.

He heard a snort, felt pain in his head and then blackness.


“Heero?.. Heero! wake up dammit they‘re coming,” Duo said, and frowned as Heero groaned, “What the hell happened to you?” he asked.

Heero stood up, ignoring the rush of dizziness that hit him, “Never mind.. we have to get out of here.. mission failed..” he said.

Duo grinned, “You really have been out for a long time haven’t you.. I got in, stole the files and got back out.. and had a hell of a time doing it.. never mind, lets go.”


Why hadn’t she killed him? she’s killed before, there was something about him.. something... she didn’t have the foggiest idea what.. but she would look him up later, right now she had to destroy this place, but first.. she had to kill a certain OZ general, and she wanted to do that herself, not just let a bomb do her work, that was to risky.

She burst into the generals’ quarters and smiled at the startled look that crossed Treizes face at first, then disappeared moments later.

“Ah Treize Khushrenada.. do you know how long I have been waiting for this?” asked the girl.

“Waited for what?” Trieze asked calmly.

She smiled again, “For the day when I Akira Yoshima would get the chance to kill you.”

She rushed the general, and went right through him, she turned and saw the image flutter, A damn hologram! she thought to herself.

“Sorry, my dear girl, but you’ll have to wait until next time..” said the holo before it disappeared.

She screamed in outrage before deciding to leave the building, then blow it up.. that always worked in past times.


The other pilots raised their eyebrows, then Duo burst out.

“So what you’re saying, is that there is a woman out there that is stronger then ‘Perfect Soldier’ Heero Yuy? well, that defeats your views that all women are weak Wu-man..” he said before taking a large bite out of a /huge/ apple.

Heero glared at Duo, “Affirmative..” he finally said.


The mysterious girl stared at the little mobile suit hanger, the other gundams had hidden in there, but how was she to know if it was safe or not? well.. if it wasn’t, then she would just kill them all. She pulled her long braid out of her flight suit and set her precious Dark Angel down on the ground before jumping out of the cockpit, and making her way stealthily towards the safe house.. her braid.. in memory of the only person she had ever dared call brother...


Duo was in the middle of a policeman joke (Which he had changed to OZ man) when he heard the scuffling and pulled out his gun, the others blinked in confusion. Duo was just about to turn around and face the noise when something hard pressed against the back of his head and he gasped softly and dropped the gun in accordance to the hissed command.

“Turn around,” said a feminine voice and Duo did, there was a long pause and then a soft, “Oh my God....”

Duo squinted, trying to see who was there when the shadow came hurtling at him, immediately three more guns and one sword was drawn and pointed at the attacker. The person was masked, Duo heard Heero growl a soft, “You...” and the click as he turned the safety off.

The girl tore her mask off and Duo gasped loudly, “A- AKIRA?!?!?!”

Akira wrapped her arms around Duo in a huge hug and started shaking, Duo knew instantly that she was crying, “I.. thought you were dead.. you damn selfish bastard..”

Duo frowned, “You shouldn’t talk like that...” he muttered.. he watched as each of the other pilots lowered their weapons in confusion.

Akira grimaced, “I don’t give a damn what you think!!” she said, “Just.. hold me for awhile..”

Duo pushed himself up and sat cross-legged before doing as she had asked and holding her, “I thought you were dead too..”

The two held each other for a long moment before Wufei finally burst out, “What the HELL is going on?”

Duo and Akira looked up at Wufei, identical looks on their faces, then the two looked at each other, realized that they had the exact same look on their faces and burst out laughing.

Wufei growled softly.

Duo stopped laughing, and slowly stood up, pulling Akira up with him, “Everyone, this is Akira… you could say she’s like… my little sister…” he said.

Akira blinked, “Aren’t you going to tell them how we met?” she asked.

Duo’s face contorted in pain, and Akira remembered that Duo had been extremely close to Father Maxwell and Sister Helen at Maxwell’s church.

“Oh… I’m sorry Duo…” she muttered.

Duo smiled weakly, “It’s okay…” his voice sounded hurt, but he made no mention of it anymore.

The others blinked curiously at the two of them.

Duo just shook his head.

“OH!!” Akira said suddenly, “I forgot! My mobile, can I bring it in here?” she asked.

Quatre nodded slowly, “S-sure,” he said.

Akira hugged Duo once more before running off. Only moments later there was the sound of mechanical legs working, reached the gundam boys’ ears.

The large gundam appeared before them and the all looked in surprise at the complete black and metallic winged form as it ducked into the hanger. It shut down and the cockpit opened to reveal the girl who leapt down, holding tightly to a rope.