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I ran through that forest, the same forest I had been running through at night for the past week. Except this was different, this time I was being chased, by something that smelt like burnt and rotting flesh. I ran as fast as I could and came to a clearing, the same clearing I had come to every night for the past week. Except this time, sitting in the middle was my beam scythe. I ran and made a wild grab for it, but entering the field in the first place was my first mistake, running to the middle for my scythe was my second.

The moment I reached the middle of the clearing a swift smoky tentacle shot from the undergrowth and grabbed my ankle and I fell, I reached for the scythe but, even with my arm and body stretched out to the limit I was still six inches to far from the handle. I screamed. The tentacle seared at my flesh.

Suddenly I was sitting bolt upright, wet with cold sweat and my heart was beating so fast I was sure it would explode any minute. Heero woke up and blinked at me, “Duo, what’s wrong?” he asked from the bed on the other side of the room.

I shook my head, “N- nothing Heero… go back to sleep.” Heero grunted and lay back down. I felt a searing pain on my ankle and looked at it, there in a perfect ring was a singed burn.

I gasped and Heero sat up again, “What…” he trailed off at the sight of the burn and got out of bed, “what happened?” he asked.

I shook my head, “I- I don’t know!” I said, panicking slightly.

Heero raised an eyebrow, “That’s a burn Duo, how can you now know how you got it!” he said with scepticism never before heard from Heero.

Duo grimaced, “I don’t know!” I repeated this time in irritation.

I must have screamed, and Quatre must have heard because next thing I knew, Quatre, followed by Trowa, were in the room wondering what happened. When he saw the burn he grimaced and rushed from the room in search of a first aid kit.

Wufei was soon in the room as well, and when he saw the burn he simply raised his eyebrows.

Quatre returned and started putting something that felt somewhat slimy down on the singed mark… he suddenly yelped and when I looked down I noticed the burn was disappearing except for the words, ‘Dreams are powerful… you will be mine… Dreams are my world’ then that was gone too…

I stared in horror at me ankle where the burn had been, I was about to say something, but it was Quatre who spoke first, “What in the name of the colonies was that?”

I shook my head, I didn’t have the faintest clue, and then Heero spoke up, “You three go back to bed, I think we should too Duo, we’ll think about this in the morning.”

I grumbled, “Can’t you read Heero?” I muttered.

Heero replied with a simple, “We don’t even know what it means… go back to sleep.”

I watched as the others left, each of them glancing back over their shoulders. Heero went back to bed, but I lay there, tossing and turning for a long time, before sleep somehow caught up to me.

Again I was running through the forest, but this time I had a new sense of awareness as if I was actually there, I stopped and turned around to get my bearings strait. I looked around, and I noticed that the forest seemed to be getting darker. I heard a noise that I recognized from all my previous dreams like this, that it was the sound of that burning hot tentacle.

I tried to wake myself up, but when I couldn’t, I panicked, and started running again. I reached the edge of the same field, with the scythe in the middle, but this time, I turned away and started running in a different, only to reach another field, with the scythe still in the middle… maybe I could make it… no that thing is always there- waiting. I started running anyway, I would dodge it when it came for me, and so it did come for me and I did manage to dodge it… at first… it came around again, but this time I was ready, I had the scythe in hand and I swung it at the tentacle. A great shriek filled the air and the whole forest seemed to explode before me as a giant… monster appeared before me.

My eyes widened in fear. I would never be able to kill that thing with a mere scythe… It came for me. Two tentacles swung at me, one aimed for my leg the other for my face. I could deal with a blow to the face, but if my leg got injured, I was out of the game. So, I swung at the one coming for my leg, and just as the scythe sliced through the soft flesh of the monster, the second tentacle came around and hit me hard in the face.

I screamed as a burn began to blister… with more hits like that… I would be out of the game soon anyway…


Heero was jerked awake by a pained scream coming from the other side of the room, he got up and made his way quickly over to Duo’s side and saw the blistered burn on his once soft pale cheek.

Duo was still asleep; it hadn’t been more then half an hour since the braided boy woke up the first time and Heero would have heard him if he had began sleepwalking.

Heero shook Duo, hard and tried to wake him up, however, no matter how much effort Heero put into it, the braided boy just would not wake up.

Quatre and Trowa came to the door, “What’s going on now…” their question trailed off when they saw Duo limp in Heero’s grasp and the large burn across his face.

Quatre rushed to Heero’s side, “What happened?!”

Heero could only shrug, “I don’t know!” He said


I swung desperately at the attacking tentacles, wondering how the hell I was going to keep up this pace when suddenly, a tentacle that had apparently snuck behind me snatched at my wrist making me drop the scythe to the ground from the pain in my wrist.


The other three and Wufei who had joined the others just recently watched in astonishment as a new burn appeared on Duo’s wrist, and unable to even wake Duo up, all they could do was watch.


I fought as well as I could one handed but I soon had one leg and one wrist restrained, the pain was almost unbearable, both legs were now restrained and it slowly started to stop burning. Both legs and both wrist were now restrained and one last tentacle was winding its way around my waist… I was trapped.

Now that I was trapped and couldn’t move, I noticed a soft chuckling in the distance, slowly growing louder, “I told you, you would be mine,” said a misty voice.

I grimaced, suddenly a thought popped into my head, this was my nightmare, and I could do what I wanted in it… right?

I tried, and sure enough, a knife threw itself into the eye of the creature, and another one at me… maybe, just maybe this would wake me up.


A rose the colour of blood blossomed on Duo’s stomach, making the others gasp. Shortly after the blossom Duo woke up with a start, sat up to quickly. He gasped, and a look of pain so intense crossed his face.

“DUO!!” came Quatre’s worried voice, “What happened?”

Duo gasped, breathing in and out slowly, trying to get the pain to recede. Slowly, ever so slowly, the wound closed up. Duo sighed with relief, before saying, “As strange as this may sound… I think my dreams are attacking me…” he said, sudden misery playing across his features.