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Relena smiled coldly at the human before her. “So what you are asking me is, to give up some of my much needed guard to help you in your fight against these primitive demon races?”

The poor being nodded pitifully, “Yes, ma’am…” he said, not daring to look up at her face, “These demons are attacking us because we are your allies, they have either killed or crippled everyone in my army, we can not stand up for ourselves.”

Relena chuckled softly, “They will leave you alone… eventually. If they don’t then… that’s life, as the say. Dismissed.”

“But-!” the man started to protest but as two surly looking men came up and seized him by the arms and dragged him from the Queens presence.

A cold, shrill laugh arose from inside the damned queens throne room and echoed through out the castle. Slaves throughout knew then that it would be a very bad day for them…