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“MAXWELL!” the loud angry cry made everyone in the room jump, even the perfect solder Heero Yuy, that surprised me more then the yell it self, “MAXWELL!” boomed Wufei again as he pounded into the room, “where is it!” he yelled.

I blinked, for some reason things had gone missing quite often lately and everybody seemed to be blaming me, even Quatre was intent on blaming me... and for once it wasn’t me that was taking the stuff.

“What do you want Wufei...?” I asked exasperatedly.

Out of nowhere and I was not expecting this, but Wufei grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted my off my chair and looked me in the eye before repeating, “where is it?” in a low, angry growl.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said between gasps of breath through my tightened collar, which only tightened after my answer. Now I couldn’t breath at all, he was going to kill me! I tried to make it known by struggling hard but he wouldn’t let me go...

I was about to black out when I heard the loud, high-pitched yell from Quatre, who must’ve just entered the room, “Wufei!”

I was released and fell to the ground, still grasping for breath, Quatre was immediately by my side and Wufei stormed out of the room before any questions could be asked, “why didn’t one of you help?” I asked out of total annoyance to Trowa and Heero after I had regained a normal breathing pattern.

Heero and Trowa shrugged at the same time and I frowned and stomped up to my room. It’s terrible when your friends sit there and watch while someone tries to kill you...

I flopped onto my bed, forgetting that it is a water bad and bounced right back off. Then I saw it... a small red blur raced around under my bed before disappearing, “what the.” he whispered and started to crawl under. The red blur streaked across the wall and I quickly crawled back out and began to chase it.

I had it trapped and was staring at it when suddenly I heard a loud scream... it sounded like someone was in pain and I realized that it was me and that I was in pain. And as suddenly as it had started... it stopped and the others... including Wufei, for reasons beyond me. I looked at the others, the pain was totally gone...

“What happened?” asked Quatre in a voice almost more worried then I had ever heard... The pain may have been gone but it had left me weak and I blacked out, all of a sudden.


I opened my eyes, my whole body felt like I had been set on fire. I blinked up into four sets of eyes; only one of those sets looked concerned, one set still looked angry... Wufei, another set was emotionless... Trowa, and the last set of eyes were cold and unforgiving, “Heero?”

“Daijabou ka Duo?” asked a worried Quatre.

“Yeah... I think so...” I muttered, “I was attacked... by... something red...” I muttered.

“Hn.... baka... you were hallucinating,” Heero muttered.

I frowned and glared at him as best as I could, it must’ve been a good glare because even Heero’s eyebrows raised, “I was /not/ hallucinating!”

I stood up and was walking toward the door when I collapsed to my knees from the pain that was originating from my hand.

Quatre rushed to my side, “Duo! Are you alright?” he asked. I tried to answer but the pain was too intense, instead I made little noises, as if I was trying to hold in a scream.

The pain stopped suddenly and when I looked at my hand I was horrified to see that it was glowing a fiery red, and felt warm to the touch.

An evil laugh filled the room suddenly, “Ah Duo Maxwell, your curiosity betrays you,” the laugh came again.

I jumped to my feet, I recognized that voice... that terrible voice from the past, and now I knew what this was, “come forth!” I called and the hair on my neck prickled as the gazes of the others, startled as they were landed on me.

A rift in wall opened and out stepped a strange looking creature, he had a face like a snakes, yet a body like a human. I heard Quatre let out a cry of fear, as the towering creature stepped into the room and the rift closed behind.

I stared up, “What do you want?” I asked.

“I need a favor Duo... I know you still hate me--” he started but I interrupted.

“Hate? I don’t hate you, you’re dead to me,” I said angrily, “Now leave!”

“I can’t Duo, please, you know what it’s like to loose your family... and I will loose mine if you don’t help me...” he said.

The other guys blinked in confusion... even the emotionless Heero, “family?”...

I stared at him and gave a slight ‘I give up’ sigh, “what do you need?” the mention of family was all I needed.

He smiles, “thank you Duo... thank you...” he said

“Yeah whatever.. now what do you need?” I asked, starting to become impatient.

He nodded, “of coarse.. um, I need you to come help fight in..” he looked at the others who looked terrified, “at home..” he muttered.

I rolled my eyes, “I left you and that life behind many years ago! I’m not going back to it.. I’m sorry,” I said.

He frowned, “then you are the death of thousands of innocent lives!” he said, “Your help would not just save my family.. we are at war!” he looked angry.. yet sincere

I turned back to him, “a.. war?” I asked stupidly.

He nodded, “and you are the strongest of our people,” he said, and shakes his head, “but.. it you don’t want to fight anymore then..” he trailed off.

I frowned, “I’ll fight..” I muttered, “who.. are we fighting against?” I asked after a long moment.

He frowned yet again, “the Milaki tribe..” he muttered.

I stared at him for a moment, a look of sheer horror on my face before I sighed and looked at the ground, “you ask to much... you know what they did to me...” I muttered, and decided that now would be a good time to leave the room. I muttered a faint ‘I’m sorry’ as I left.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen, “Duo if you change your mind.. you know where to find me..” the voice was faint and far away and disappeared totally as the guys came rushing in after me.

“Who.. er.. what was that?” asked Quatre and Wufei in unison, “And what were you two talking about?”

I frowned, “It would be best if you all just totally forgot that that ever happened,” I muttered as I stood up to get myself a cup of coffee. Once I had gotten that I sat down at the table.. a few seconds later a hand slammed down onto the table, startling me into looking up into the cold Prussian blue eyes that were Heero Yuy’s, “yes?”

Heero glared, “Tell us!” I had never heard him more angry and suddenly I was very scared, I just stared and suddenly BAM! I fell back in my chair, hot coffee spilling over me as my head slammed onto the floor.

I curled up into a protective ball, hiding from those around me.. I had given up magic and non-invincible immortality, and I wasn’t about to call them back for good unless I really needed them.

I heard a faint yet enraged cry and then someone shook my hard, “Duo!” what was he doing back here.. I opened my eyes weakly, my head was spinning harshly and only then did I notice that all four of the guys were in electric cages; that woke me up.

“Let them out now!” I said angrily.

“They aren’t your friends.. you should know that the Milaki can shape shift.. they are hunting you down.. they know you’re the strongest of our kind..” he trailed off as Quatre interrupted with a: “Duo he’s lie...” he too was cut off be a lip binding spell and a, “Shut up Milaki!”

I sighed, “I’ll come..” and this time I was interrupted by a: “Duo!” and that interrupter was also lip binded.

A rift opened in the wall, “thank you Duo.. thank you,” he said and I stepped through. I felt a hard pressure suddenly on my body.. nothing new to me.. but I landed in a place where I did not want to be.. the land of the Milaki..


Part 2

I watched the.. whatever it was take Duo through the portal, the second they were both gone my lips parted and I could speak again.. but I was growing weak.. and judging by the far away looks on everybody else, so were they.

Another portal opened and the ‘man’ stepped through, “what did you do to Duo?!” I yelled at him suddenly.

He blinked in confusion, “I didn’t do anything to Duo..” he says, “.....shit!” and he ran back through the rift after casting a quick spell that freed us from our energy sucking cages.


I groaned from the pain that was my body.. If I wasn’t numb then every nerve in the un-numbed area was on fire. I almost wanted to cry out.. but I wasn’t about to give the Milaki the pleasure of thinking that they were greater then me and my people.. the Tinach.

Suddenly I heard a voice not in my head.. it was a two way speak rift.. as we call them.

“Citizens of the Tinach, we have the one you call Duo, the strongest of your kind!” there were a few muffled gasps of shock, “we will torture him to death if you do not surrender to us now. to prove we have him, we will show him to you.”

I looked up into the rift and saw the terrified faces of the people that I had left behind and frowned, “don’t listen to him! I left you all behind years ago so this wouldn’t hap-- ahhhh” I was being shocked again, the exact reason why I was slowly numbing.

I heard a faint, “Duo!” and I recognized the voice immediately.

“Heero? what are you doing in Tinachia?” I asked in weak confusion when the shock stopped.

“Duo! don’t give up!” Heero replied.

The Milaki blinked in confusion, “A human? you let a human into your lands!” after that was said there was an uproar of confused voices.

Heero frowned, “here Duo!” he yelled and threw something through the rift. It hit me and suddenly I felt all the strength that the shocks had taken from me return, and somehow.. the restraints that were holding me let go. I was now free to build back all that I left behind, and I did. Not only was I the strongest of my kind but I was also the quickest to hide and gain power.

I guess it was quite.. ‘interesting’ to see me gain my powers back because there were a few ‘ooo’s and ‘ah’s.

Suddenly just before I had gotten my powers back, a hand wrapped itself around my throat with surprising and strangling strength.

I grabbed at the hand and tried to pry it off me, but I couldn’t overpower them.

“Duo!” I heard Heero call again.

“You! come here boy..” the voice echoed and suddenly Heero was beside me and he to got a strangle hold around his neck by a laughing lunatic.

Realization suddenly hit me and I used a heat spell and that would make it so that my hands heat up to unthinkable heats. Once they were hot enough I grabbed the Milaki’s arm and he let out a scream of pain and dropped both of us.

I grabbed Heero’s arm and ran for the opening, I mad Heero go first and as I was about leave myself, I felt a jolt of pain. I looked down and saw the large blood covered metallic piece sticking out of my stomach. There were a few cries of statement before the loud cries of, ‘DUO!!” from four.. or was I five voices. I looked out over the faces, and saw that Heero was joined by the other pilots.

I was lifted up by the metallic bit that pierced me, and I felt flesh tear as my weight became to heavy for it. It was pain beyond anything I have ever felt before... except.. on time.


“Duocasalatt, the pain would end if you decide only to give up your powers and life.. to me!”

“I will not!” cried the young man who was being slowly tortured.

It was odd.. the torturer could only take my life if I gave him permission. I had always known that my life force was strong but this was becoming unnatural.. even for my kind...

Suddenly I felt pain like none other I have felt before, like someone peeling the skin right off of me, I screamed, and I heard laughter. ...........

**End Flashback**

I was wrong that time when I thought that it was pain like no other.. this was as bad, and I could not die, not because of him, he was too weak.

“Well Duocasalatt, do you give up?” sneered the Milaki.

I saw the look of fright on the other pilots faces and frowns, “never, and..” my face contorted with pain as he twisted the blade, “My name..” pain again, “My name is Duo!”


I’m sorry.. I couldn’t think of anything besides Duocasalatt.. I know it sucks >_<.. anyway, I like compliments ^_^ they convince me to continue.. although I would one way or the other, whether ppl wanted me to or not.. I am beyond stop-able.. I’m just having too much fun. Bwahahaha, I couldn’t help but leave it at that evil cliffhanger

Part 3

The searing pain shot through my body, I kept looking back at the item that was protruding from my stomach, and remembered, along with being able to shape shift, Milaki were able to form any part of their body into a magic-resistant blade,. that could pierce, even the strongest of metals, even gundanium alloy.

“Well, seems we have a little problem here, I want the surrender of your people, but you refuse to so much as cry out, just think about all the pain it would save if you’d just-” his whispering was cut short by me suddenly saying.

“I will /not/ let my people surrender, you can kill me.. but my powers will go to my people, so they can become strong, and defeat the Milaki,” with those words out and some willpower, the powerful magic’s that were stopping the blade from going through my heart subsided, more flesh tore, and I cried out in pain.

The Milaki growled angrily and threw me through the portal into my own world, yelling, “you are a fool, and you shall die one!” before the portal closed.

I landed with a hard thump, and was soon surrounded by voices, and soon enough five voices that I recognized the most.

Someone with a strong grip, most likely Heero pulled me into a sitting position and held me up that way.

I opened my eyes, and sure enough, saw Heero, staring down at me with as much concern as I would usually see in Quatre’s eyes if I had gotten hurt, Quatre on the other hand was hysterical.

“Ah Heero,” I said quietly, a soft smile on my face, “I never thought I’d see the day..” I winced, “when you would be so concerned for someone you were always calling a baka..”

Heero actually looked guilty now as he whispered, “Duo.. I want you to know.... A- Ashituru.. Duo,” in my ear.

That shocked me, and I stared at him, for a few minutes, until I felt my eyes start to feel heavy and knew I probably wouldn’t make it.. unless.... unless I worked up some of my healing magic’s.. but I was weak. I tried anyway, the fact that Heero loved me was an inspiration..

My eyes closed, and I succumbed to the darkness there.

Part 4

Heero watched, and felt an odd feeling as if someone had reached in and began squeezing his heart as he watched Duo close his eyes, and he suddenly felt fear as both he and the braided pilot were enveloped in a soft yellow color. He tried to pull away but he couldn’t. He was starting to feel tired and weak, obviously not a feeling he was exactly used to.

As quickly as it started, it stopped.. Three of the pilots stared around, startled as everyone from this magical town broke into loud cheers.

An old looking man with large ebony wings stepped forward, “Come with me, friends of Duocasalatt, you look tired, come have some food and drink, and rest your tired bones,” and with that he turned and walked toward a rather rundown, yet comfortable looking hut.

When they were all in, he told Heero (who was carrying Duo) where there was a bed and then gestured towards a couple sofas and sat in a large chair.

When they were all seated he gave them a large mostly toothless grin and asked, “How is it that you come to know Duocasalatt?”

Quatre smiled back, “Umm.. we met him while fighting OZ,” he said.

The grin on the old man faded, “Are you saying that Duocasalatt helps you change the future?” he asked.

Wufei started to look frantic and was about to answer himself when Quatre said, “Um, I suppose you could say that.” Wufei slapped his hand to his forehead.

The old man looked horrified, “Please tell me that what you say is not true, please.”

Quatre nodded, “It’s true, why?”

The old man cried out as if he had just heard about a tragedy.

Quatre blinked, “What? is there something wrong with-” he was cut off by an angry stare and the loud words:

“It’s *forbidden* and is punishable by banishment for up to three thousand years, and /no one/ has ever lived up to three thousand years!”

Quatre frowned, “Well, does that mean you are going to refuse his help?” he asked, “Even after he did that?”

The old man shook his head, “He wasted his time by doing that..” he said simply, before standing up and walking to the doorway, “take him and leave, I refuse to have him in this house any longer.”

Before the others could say a word Heero had lifted Duo from the bed on which the braided pilot had lay and began to leave

Quatre protested, “Duo hasn’t done anything wrong, he’s helped us innumerable times.. he risked his life in a war, and now he risked his life in another and you throw his effort away as if it were a piece of trash that can just be discarded?” he said loudly and sounding very distressed.

Trowa took Quatre’s arm and led the smaller boy out of the cabin, Wufei joined the others, muttering about injustice.