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Title: Shattered

Author: Demeter

Disclaimer: All rights and privileges to Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing are trademarks and property of Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.

There is no profit made on these stories, and is purely fictional. All content here belongs to the author, and is not to be used without permission.


Stop, the tremor of my shaking hands.

Quiet, the beating of my bruised heart.

Weep, the violet eyes of past memories.

Laugh, the mask of constant deception.

Rough, the hands that handled the Gundam and her.

Trust, the murmur of love, the whisper of desire.

Stifle, the loss of a childhood.

Drink, the biting alcohol burning the throat.

Dream, the love of a dark-haired girl with pretty eyes.

Shatter, the dropping of crystal stemware.

Look, the blank eyes of death.

Bend, the arms of steel strength.

Cradle, the bloodied body of the soldier-woman.

Bleed, the wound of a gun, trickling into a pool.

Howl, to the excruciating tear of pain.

Sit, the room of white, surrounded with bars.

Listen, the mutters of the doctors.

See, the tears of friends.

Hear, the constant knocking of Shinigami.

Remember, the love of Hilde.


"How is he?"

"Still won't say a word."

"Will he get better?"

"Probably not. I would say he's clinically insane."

"Never again?"

"Too shattered."

"Surely there is a way... He cannot be that way... forever?"

"Tis a destroying sight, what he saw that day in his house. Won't be a way to call his mind back, unless he can face the idea that she's dead."

"Then he is lost?"

"Yes. I am extremely sorry, Mr. Yuy, Miss Relena, Mr. Winner, Mr. Barton, Mr. Chang, Miss Sally. I'm afraid he was gone the moment he slashed off his hair. As a doctor, I regret the fact that I am unable to do anything for Mr. Maxwell."

"Gone, the God of Death."

"Yes. Once again, I am sorry for your losses."

He left the group standing in the hallway. The stark, white, endless hallway. And they stared one more time at the once-bubbly Shinigami in the window, and shook their heads sadly at the site of Duo Maxwell sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth, clutching the bloodied meter of hair, and whimpering with empty eyes, and a glassy smile.

~*~ Finis ~*~

Uh, can I say depressing? I must be really down or something........

Duo: You can say that again.. How come I have to go insane?

Heero: Because you already are, baka.

Duo: You're mean! WAAAAHHHHH!

Hilde: Why did I have to die?

Me: *shrugs* I'm in maniacal mood. Blame the voices in my head.

"Shattered" copyright(c) Demeter918, 2001. Page copyright(c) Jamie Carlson, 2001.