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Big Man with a Big Gun

Author: Beck

Category: semi angst, Lemon

Pairings: HeeroxRelena

Disclaimer: don’t own the G-boys, never did and never will but it’s nice to play with them once in awhile **sigh** Nor do I own NIN or Trent Reznor.

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Het. Sex. Lots of sex and swearing.

Notes: Heero being a bastard? Umm...**giggles** you'll see, it will mess with your mind. Everything in this fic is CONSENSUAL, NOBODY WAS FORCED. This isn’t your typical lemon that’s for sure. Song can be found on Downward Spiral.

//-Denotes song lyrics

A light thumping noise echoed through the hall as a pair of legs hurried down the corridor, knowing exactly which door he was to go into. He pressed one hand against the side of the door while the other brushed his disheveled hair out of his eyes. He stood there breathing heavily as he was trying to gather up the jumbling thoughts that were racing in his mind. He felt a twinge of excitement and power run through his veins with each beat of his pounding heart. Everytime he thought about the plan they made, he knew that there was no way in hell he was going to back down. If this is what she wanted, well then damn it, she’s going to get it.

Once he got his breathing under control and his heart to beat at a normal pace, he leaned in closely to the closed door in front of him, listening for any sounds from within. Hearing that nobody was there, he stealthily made his way in and waited in the shadows

for his victim. A slight chuckle came from his lips as he whispered lowly,"Let’s see who will save you now my dear princess."

Minutes later, he heard the knob of the door turn and saw the female figure trudge through the darkened room fumbling for the lamp near her bedside. A soft glow illuminated part of the room but not enough to bring light into the hidden shadows. She sat on the edge of the bed and anxiously toed off the annoying heels while undoing the buttons to the stuffy blazer she wore all day. Underneath the jacket, she wore a thin cream colored silk blouse, thin enough where he could make out what color of bra she wore. He then watched her hands as they moved towards her back, under her shirt and unclasped the bra, maneuvering the material through the arms of her shirt. She turned around towards his direction of the darkened part of the room and let the bra fall to the floor. Soon to follow was her skirt as she stood there in her short slip and blouse.

He wasn’t sure if it came out of his mouth or her mouth or if they did it in unison, as he heard a low heavy sigh hang in the air of the quiet room. He nervously chewed on his bottom lip to keep himself from crying out loud when he could make out the shapely mounds beneath the silk along with the slight darkened color of her nipples as they were hardened by the cloth as it rubbed against her sensitive flesh.

He re-checked himself when he felt his hand wrap around the cold steel that was stored near his backside and then made his move. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Relena turned towards her vanity to pick up her brush but stopped when she thought she heard or rather felt, a slight change in the air around her. As she went to turn around, she realized she couldn’t move when she felt something gripping her with force. She gasped against the hand in horror when it clamped over her mouth.

A familiar voice whispered in her ear.

"Many have died by my hands and don’t think that you won’t be spared. I just wanted to save the best for last." Relena kept herself from going into hysterics as he whispered more words.

"I’ll let you go but if you so much as scream, I’ll keep to my word that I promised you years ago. Besides, I know you let your servants go home early for the night so nobody will hear you scream. Do we have an agreement?"

Relena slowly nodded her head with his proposal. "Good. I’m glad cause I wouldn’t want to destroy such a beautiful body before I got to have my way with it."

Heero unwrapped his hand from her mouth and let her turn around to face him. He made sure that she was within arms reach in case she tried to run off. Her eyes went wide when she saw Heero standing in front of her with such determination and fiery lust in his eyes. She knew he meant business and gave a slight gasp when she saw the gun in his hand. Even though she was still partially dressed, she tried to hide her excitement with her hands to the front of her chest but had them pulled away from her by his own.

"Oh no, I can’t have you do that now. You needn’t cover yourself up for what is covered will be easily removed."

"Hee…Heero? Wha…What are you doing here?" Relena couldn’t help but stumble over her words. His presence was making her flushed as she could feel her cheeks burning.

"No time for questions. I want what I came here for and apparently you got it." He advanced himself towards her as she backed up to the side of the small table in her room. Pressing his body fully onto hers, she knew she had no way out between his body and the table poking her in her back. She saw his eyes graze over her body and a small smirk came across his lips.

//I am a big man

(Yes I am)

and I got a big gun//

"If you resist me," With a thrust of his hips, he poked the hardened spandex covered flesh against her thigh, along with the barrel of his gun to her head to make his statement clear, "BANG! Your as good as dead."

Relena gulped as she watched him lick his lips in anticipation. Her eyes were wide as saucers as the straining flesh in his confinements was pressed tightly to her side. Heero watched her statement and chuckled as he continued to rub against her.

//Got me a big old dick and I

I like to have fun//

He traced the side of her face and down to her neck with his finger till it came to the first button of her blouse. With a slight yank on the collar, he ripped open the front of the cloth, buttons flying every which way and bare breasts were exposed to his feasting eyes. Relena could barely move as he continued to press her against the table and the gun was pointed to her backside, his hand never loosening on the grip of the handle. She held her breath as she could feel something warm and wet clamp over the tight bud of her nipple. She felt weak at the knees when he continued to do the same to its twin and whimpered when he bit down non-too gently on the nipple he assaulted before he released it from his mouth.

His free hand went between their pressed bodies and then slid underneath her slip as he ran his finger over the wetness he found there. He fixed her with a hungry look before his lips curled into an evil smirk.

"You need to loosen up **princess** and have alittle fun while we're at it. I think I have just the thing to liven you up." He removed the hand from beneath the slip and grabbed a handful of her hair and balled his fist up, tugging on the strands. He moved just an inch from their pressed bodies and pulled her hair again.

"On your knees **princess** ." A slight bit of venom was behind the word she hated to be called. She slowly moved but it wasn't good enough for him. "NOW!" He pressed the gun to her side again to prove he wasn't joking.

"Heero, please don’t make me do this." She tried to talk her way out of it but she knew that her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Oh, now the princess is trying to worm her way out. I don’t think so. I’m not one of those diplomats who will do whatever you say. It doesn’t work that way for me. I can think of a better way for you to work that mouth of yours." He loosened his grip on her hair and moved the gun to her shoulder while he pushed the spandex off his hips, baring all for her to gaze upon.

//Held against your forehead

I’ll make you suck it

Maybe I’ll put a hole in your head

You know, just for the fuck of it//

He took hold of his hardened flesh and ran the velvety tip along the side of her face, her forehead, and then across her lips. Relena closed her eyes as she felt the softness flutter across her skin but opened them quickly when she felt it rest upon her lips.

"Open up." He commanded roughly. Slowly she parted her lips and flicked her tongue over the wetness that gathered at the tip. Before she could move any farther, he grabbed her hair again and pushed her forward, taking him all in. She got her wits together before she could choke on him and breathed through her nose. A muffled noise came from her mouth as she felt him put the gun to her head.

"Don’t make me repeat myself, start sucking." As requested, she started to go through the motions. He glanced down to the sight before him and closed his eyes, his fingers gripping her hair tighter. A hiss escaped his lips when he felt her scrape her teeth along his length and stopped at the tip, sucking harder. When he felt the teeth, he nudged the gun closer to her head. "You bitch! I should put a hole in your skull for doing that but then what good would that do me."

//I can reduce you if I want

I can devour//

Lost in his thoughts, Heero had to try to suppress a chuckle but came out as a moan as he looked down. "My my, what would the people say if they saw their princess on her knees, sucking off one of the revered Gundam pilots? They might think of her as a whore and that she would do anything to make the people happy." His body took over and moved his hips in time with her mouth. He knew he was close to the edge when he pulled her mouth off of himself and glared at her. "Enough! Get up and sit on that table and spread ‘em." He quickly divested himself of his clothing and finished stripping her off as well.

//I’m hard as fucking steel and I’ve got the power

I’m every inch a man and I’ll show you somehow//

She leaned back on her elbows as she watched him strip and was taken by surprise when he ripped the rest of her clothes off her body. Frightened at his animalistic lust, she closed her legs as her body started to quake with fear.

"I thought I told you to keep them spread?" He took the gun and parted her legs at the knees and ran the gun down the length of the inside of her thigh. "If you want to come out of this alive, you’d do as I say. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

She could only nod her head and whispered softly. "Yes, I understand."

She saw that he put the gun down and started to breathe again but was caught off guard as he turned to look at her.

"I can’t fuck your brains out if I have to hold onto the gun. But you do know what will happen if you don’t cooperate, yes?"


With that said and done, he took hold of his cock as he rubbed the tip over her wetness and then teased her clit, suppressing a low moan from her lips. She bent her knees and planted her feet on the table as he poised himself at her entrance and gripped her upper thighs as he thrusted forward with raw need.

A loud and harsh cry tore from her lips as he continued to pound into her with force and wanton. Relena couldn’t help but to wrap her legs around his waist and cross her ankles near his backside as she gripped the end of the table to keep herself stabilized.

Sweet noises were burrowed into Heero’s mind when he heard her endless chanting of his name, to the creaking of the table and the erotic sounds of their slick flesh smacking into heated flesh. With a slight turn of his hips, he noticed the pitch of her moans and the change of her body language. The pain of his driving hardness drove her wild with irrepressible lust, as she scraped her nails over his chest and over his sensitized nipples.

//Me and my fucking gun

Nothing can stop me now//

Heero intuitively comprehended: what she needed was not sweet loving, but violent fucking. He nipped at her neck with his teeth, sucking deep, and then abraded the reddened skin with his tongue. His hands at her breasts did not caress. He knew she needed more pressure: he squeezed their firm lusciousness, singly and then molded them together.

Relena bucked, her head whipped furiously in a crazed passion. She hardly knew what she wanted done to her or with what. All she knew was that she wanted more and more of the ravaging sensations that Heero was creating on her body, inside and out. Heero knew that he could barely take anymore as the fire in his loins were screaming for release. He curled his hands up under her shoulders to get leverage as he plundered deeper and harder into her, hitting that special spot, knowing she was about to cum when he felt her inner walls start to quiver.

//shoot shoot shoot shoot

I’m going to come all over you

Shoot shoot shoot shoot

I’m going to come all over you//

With one long hard thrust he was buried to the hilt as he felt her muscles clench around him, both crying out loud to their explosive orgasm. He shuddered violently when the last of his spasms died down and the last of her twitching muscles came to a stand still. Exhausted and sated, he felt like he could pass out any minute as he nestled his head on her breasts and her hands soothing his hair out from his eyes. As he labored his breathing, he wearily lifted his head and gave a chaste kiss to her lips.

"Did I hurt you koi?"

Relena smiled as she opened her heavy lidded eyes, admiring Heero’s face. "Mmmm…no you didn’t hurt me. I think that I will be walking funny in the morning for being sore but other than that, you were delicious." She lightly touched his face as he propped himself on his elbows.

"I swear Relena, you have the most craziest and weirdest sexual fetishes, if I do say so myself." He reached over to grab the towel that was close to the table and started to clean up the mess their bodies had created.

She closed her eyes and sighed when he gently ran the towel over her highly sensitive folds. "It’s not my fault that I have that odd fetish. It came from a certain person I know who kept threatening me with his gun and the act of trying to kill me in the past. AND everytime that person gave me that certain look while trying to be serious, we wouldn’t be in this predicament right now, would we?" Relena trailed her hand down between his legs and held the prized possession to her desires. "Besides, I like being threatened with this gun instead."

//Me and my fucking gun

Me and my fucking gun//

Heero scooped her in his arms and carried them over to her bed as their exhausted bodies slumped into the softness and coolness of the sheets. Relena yawned as she laid her head on his chest and wrapped her leg over his thigh, swirling little patterns over his slick chest. He stilled her movements and entwined their fingers together.

"Go to sleep. I’m afraid to see what else is in that conniving mind of yours."

"Ah but Heero, we still have yet to see what your darkest fantasies are."

"Some other time." He closed his eyes as he kissed the top of her head and smoothed her hair. Not long after, she was lured to sleep by the smell of his skin and the slow beating of his heart.




"Big Man with a Big Gun" copyright © Beck, 2001. Page copyright © Jamie Carlson, 2001.

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