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Houston, We Have No Cheese

Sara and Bleu's Introduction

by: StarFlare and NightWolf

*This is just so you, the reader, can get to know our characters better...I think you'll like what we have in store for you. Keep in mind, we do not, despite wishing really hard, own anything to do with Gundam Wing except for our characters, which are the creative, anime incarnations of ourselves. Besides, its all fiction and in good fun... Enjoy!


(On the second day at the house, the Gundam pilots run across a video tape titled 'Houston, We Have No Cheese' and out of sheer curiosity they pop it in the VCR to check it out. The video begins to play and in the background they hear voices, but its a black screen)

["Is it this one?"]

--Quatre remarks, "Hey, that sounds like Bleu..."--

["I don't know! I thought you had the instructions!"]

--Duo smiles, "that's Sara," and blushes. Quatre nudges him with his elbow and sings, "You have a crush on Sara!" Duo blushes harder and throws a glare at Quatre. "Knock it off, Quatre! I do not!!!" Trowa remarks, " liar..." *By the way... Sara and Bleu are watching from behind them the whole time.* Around the corner, Bleu squints and whispers to Sara, "do you remember the pink powder," and points at the pilots. Sara just shrugs, "how could I forget! {sigh}"--

[Bleu- "I do, but they're in Japanese..."]

--Heero remarks, "HAH! That figures..."--

[Sara- "Now you tell me... Its just like you to get the wrong instructions!"]

--Trowa nods, "that does sound like something Bleu would do..."--

[Bleu- "Hey! I don't use the instructions! At least I remembered to bring them!!"]

--Wufei adds, "that explains SO much..."--

[Sara- "I'll give you that much...(sigh)..."]

[Bleu- "So...what do we do now?"]

[Sara- "Push some buttons, I guess..."]

[Bleu- "Push some buttons...oh that's scientific..."]

[Sara- "Shut up and pick one, you pinhead!"]

[Bleu- "grumblegrumble...I'm no pinhead! Fine...This one!" {CLICK} ]


[Bleu- "Yeeeeeeooooouch!!!! Guess its NOT this one! Ow ow Ow ow OW..."]

[Sara- "Lets see... Eeeny Meeny Miiny...Cheesey!"] --The pilots all ask, "Cheesey?"--


[Sara and Bleu- "Rice Crispies!"]

[Bleu- "Rice Crispie squares...yummy..."]

--Trowa says, "mmm...hey, didn't Sara make some of those earlier?"--

(Suddenly, the screen turns on...)

[Sara- "Hey!! That did it!!"]

(All the pilots see is a blur...)

[Bleu- "Next do you focus this thing?"]

[Sara- "Hmmmm..."]

(A pink and blue blob moves in front of the camera and comes up close to the lens and into focus.)

--Duo smiles and blushes again and Quatre laughs at him.--

[Bleu-"Hey, you're in focus now..."]

[Sara-"But we can't sit two inches from the camera..."]

[Bleu- "Oh yeah... ... Wait... back up..."]

(The once clear Sara moves back and out of focus. The lens changes and the focus returns.)

[Bleu- "Alright! Score one for the Goddess!"] --Wufei asks, "goddess?"--

[Sara- "Bravo, Goddess, now come sit down and introduce yourself...M'kay?"]

(Sara disappears to, presumably, behind the camera. Out of sight girl comes into sight and sits down on a beat up loveseat-- the only furniture in the room. She has dark blue hair and a pleasant demeanor...for the most part. She flicks aside her long hair, which is unbound, and sits down, crossing her legs. For the first time you can see what she's wearing. It's a pair of white bell-bottoms and a short sleeve orange turtle-neck shirt with a violet vest over it. Her headband is the same color as her shirt, fingerless gloves, and platform shoes.)

[Bleu- "Okay, before I introduce myself, I'd better let everyone know what's going on. After all of the fighting was over, and the White Fang was defeated again, and if you don't know the story behind that, then we'll fill you in later. Well anyways, things calmed down a bit. This time though, the Cinq kingdom wanted to be prepared, should anything like what had happened, well, happen again. But, of course, that meant the pilots and their gundams would have to stay somewhere other than in the Cinq kingdom, where they had before, because of political reasons; Relena's pacifism, the gundams' being weapons of mass destruction and all. So, someone came up with the idea of sending the gundams to a safehouse on neutral ground. Unfortantly, that neutral ground just happened to be our house. It was a good idea in theory. Too bad this is real life. I'm not sure what possessed us to agree, but we did. In fact, the gundams should be arriving in a couple of hours."]

[Sara, from off screen- "Which is why we have to get this done and over with, quick!"]

[Bleu- "Ok, ok, well, to get to the point. This is the first of a series of video scrapbook scenes. The whole thing was Relena's idea, to see just how the pilots function in everyday life."]

[Sara, from off screen, again- "I personally think it's her way of keeping track of Heero's every breath and move."] --Heero jumps up. "You see? She's STALKING me!!!"--

[Bleu- "That is a distinct possibility, but she signs our paychecks, a sort of blackmail, so we agreed to it. And now the intro."]

[Sara- " 'Bout time."]

[Bleu- "I am Cameron Bleu, but everyone just calls me Bleu. I'm a smuggler/scientist/ engineer, along with a couple of other things. I guess you could call me a jack-of-all-trades. I'm 18, French-American, and 5'4'' tall. My weight is none of your bees-wax. I'm the adopted god-daughter of Docter J. I grew up around Sara and Heero, which kinda explains my personality. When I was nine, I designed the Sandrock, and helped Sara with the other four. While Sara was at collage, I ran the bar that we co-own, Second Heaven. After she graduated, money kinda got tight, so I started my smuggling career when I was 16. I liked it so much that I kept at it even when things picked up again. I was originally to be the pilot of the Wing Gundam, but when J realized I was a genius he decided to train Heero instead. This is why we don't exactly get along, that and the fact that he has the sense of humor God gave a brick, and shows no emotion other than that icy, annoying glare. Well, except for when he turns green...with jealousy, that is. There have been times when I couldn't tell where he stops and his tank top begins!"] --Heero sits and fumes. Wufei laughs and asks, "Is that true?" At Heero's continued silence, Trowa remarks, "No wonder you can't stand her."--

[Bleu- "That's about it for me. Now it's Sara's turn"]

[(off screen) "If you ever stop talking."]

[Bleu- "Sheesh, all right. Thats about it anyways."]

(On screen, the one you now know as 'Bleu' stands and moves off screen, and is replaced by the familiar 'mauve blob' which you see now was her hair. She moves over to the beat-up love seat and has a seat. She is dressed casually in white blue-jean shorts, an old taupe shirt which is covered by a navy blue, short sleeve jacket. On the front of the jacket, there is an aviator's wings design. Her shoulder blade length, mauve hair falls over one shoulder and her choppy cut bangs fall over her eyes. Last, her shoes are a pale rose pink and almost covered up by her puffy socks.) --Duo gets that goofy grin on his face again. Bleu snickers. Sara alternates between glaring at Duo and glaring at Bleu.--

[Sara- "Finally, its my turn!"]

[Now off camera, Bleu comments,- "Whoa, southern accent! Tone it down, huh?"]

[Sara- "Hey! At least my accent is REAL!"] --Quatre gets a confused look on his face. "Bleu's isn't?" Trowa slaps him on the shoulder and says, "Of course not! Haven't you ever noticed it changes almost daily?" Quatre shakes his head, "No, I haven't." There is a collective sigh from the others for Quatre's cluelessness.--

[(Bleu glares hard at Sara from off camera.)]

[Sara- "Whoa, if looks could kill...I would have been dead loooong ago. My name is Sara. Sara Goodman. Bleu mentioned me before...many times. I'm 16, 5' 1 1/2'', and All American; you could have probably guessed that from my accent. I'm a southern girl... well, southern L2, but its the same difference."]

[From off screen- "Oh yeah! Me too! I forgot that part."]

[Sara- "As for my weight... You're on a need to know basis. Anyway, I'm a Gundam engineer/designer/technition/pilot, etc. Basicly, if it has anything to do with a gundam, I'm right in the middle of it! Speaking of designs, I designed most of the gundams. Yep! I'm a child prodigy! Like Bleu mentioned earlier, I was in college at age12. I graduated at 14. That's when I took over Second Heaven... Before Bleu and I took over that bar, it was owned by my dad, Doctor G. You wouldn't believe what that G stands for...and NO I'm not saying. In case you're wondering...its NOT Goodman...Oops, off subject. I do that alot. Anyway, when I have the time, I'm the bartender of Second Heaven. uhmm..."]

-- "What does the 'G' stand for?" Duo wondered out loud.--

[Bleu off camera- "Gundams..."]

[Sara- "Oh yeah, Gundams, thanks. I get lost in thought. I'ts uncharted territory. Well, I think that's about it for me, so-"]


[Bleu off camera- "I'll go get it."] --the camera spins and ends up facing the tan carpet on the floor. The gundam pilots hear someone walking from behind the camera, a door opening, and some indistinct voices. Then the door shuts again and Bleu walks back into the room. She says, "Hey Sara, it's from Relena." There's a groan from the couch, and Sara asks, "Well, open it." The pilots hear the sound of paper ripping and Bleu mumbling to herself. Then they hear a gasp. "What is it?" Sara asked. In a horrified voice, Bleu replied, "The gundam pilots-"


The pilots hear Sara say in the video, "My God. What have we gotten ourselves into?"

[End of video]

This story Copyright Bleu and Sara, 2001. This page Copyright Jamie Carlson, 2001.

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