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The Third Peacecraft

Okie! This is the 1st chapter of my ficcy. Enjoy!

Um.... Hi. I'm Jamie, but you all can call me J. C. ... *shifts nervously from foot-to-foot* Well... This is NOT my first fanfic, but it IS my first Gundam Wing fanfic. I try to watch it on Cartoon Network, but I am afraid I haven't seen all of the episodes. (GW belongs Sostu Agency and Sunrise.)

Anyway... *nervous cough*.... I want to do a good job, so I have all of my GW info at my computer now. *Looks blankly at the 3 foot pile of papers next to her*. O-kayyyy.... This has a lot to do with Relena and Zechs, aka Miliardo Peacecraft *pictures him and begins to drool*.

(Psst! If you have a pic of the painting of their family, send it to!!! Ooopsies. I just leaked a bit of the plot, ne? Gomen.... Oh well, the title spills the beans anyhow)

NOTICE: All of the GW pilots are the same as before, only a bit taller. Just picture a slightly bigger Trowa, Duo, Heero, Quatre (well, not really Q-man... but..), and Wufei.

And now, in the famous words of Mario, Here we go! (I bet he says that whenever Peach.... Uhhhhh ..... Never mind!!!! *blush* @_@)

"Gundam Wing"

"The Third Peacecraft"

Chapter One -- A New Gundam, A New Friend, And OZ's Rebirth

Duo Maxwell stretched. He was laying in the grass, trying to take a nap. Duo was no longer fifteen. He was now twenty, and he found it unbelievably hard to find anything interesting to do now that his Gundam, Deathscythe, had been... Ah... "Recalled."

Duo brushed his brown bangs out of his indigo eyes, yawning. He rolled over on his side, closing his eyes, careful of his long, thick brown braid. He was just about to fall asleep when ....

"Hey, Duo!"

Duo sat up, looking around, trying to pinpoint the voice. Then he saw the owner of the voice -- Quatre Winner. The other young man smiled and waved as he ran toward his friend and fellow former Gundam Pilot. He looked like he was still fifteen, all innocent and sweet looking. He had only grown a few inches. He was trailing Trowa Barton, who had sort of "adopted" Quatre as a younger brother - at least, that's how it APPEARED. There were rumours that their relationship ran a little deeper than brother-brother.

"Trowa! Quatre! He-ey, long time no see!" shouted Duo, getting to his feet. He was taller as well, and a bit buffer. And he still had his black outfit and black cap, which he pulled out of his back pocket and placed on his head, tugging it down tightly over his brown hair. "SO! What'cha doin' here, guys? Just itchin' for an old-fashioned 'family reunion-type' get-together?"

Quatre stopped in front of the now inches-taller Duo. "Actually, we've been sent to come get you! We have a new mission!" he cried excitedly.

"What?" Duo asked, surprised. "What do you mean, 'a new mission'?"

Trowa smiled and looked down at Duo -- he was one or two inches taller than Duo now. "Dr. J called us in. They couldn't get a call through to you, so we volunteered to find you. Come on, we have a shuttle standing by to take you to one of the Colonies."


Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, Heero Yui, Relena Peacecraft, and Chang Wufei all stood before a large gray building on a remote Colony. It was a secret "colony", where scientists worked and lived. Before them stood Dr. J.

The group was surprised when Zechs Marquis, also known as Miliardo Peacecraft, followed a few minutes later.

"Miliardo! You're in on this?" asked Relena, surprised. Her brother nodded.

"First off, no secrets -- OKAY! BRING 'ER OUT!" Dr. J cried.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and the air was filled with the sound of huge engines firing up. A huge Mobile Suit suddenly zoomed over the building and landed gracefully behind Dr. J. It looked like Duo's Deathscythe Hell, but instead of the scythe for a weapon was an energy rod, and the Gundam's color was a dark reddish-purple.

"ANOTHER GUNDAM?!" cried Duo.

"Yes." said Dr. J, smiling. "That is Gundam Nightmare. And its pilot." He signaled with his good hand, and the large machine knelt down. The cockpit opened. A woman jumped out, long blonde hair in its tight ponytail streaming behind her. She landed on the outstretched hand of Nightmare, next to Dr. J. She had amazing blue eyes, like the sky just turning blue at dawn. She looked to be about nineteen, a year older than Relena, a year younger than Duo and most of the Gundam pilots.

"This," Dr. J said, gesturing to the young woman, "Is Minerva Blanc. She is the pilot of the new Nightmare Gundam," he said. The woman smiled brightly, and stepped down off the hand, and walked over to the group of Gundam Pilots.

She held out her hand. Wufei snorted.

"A female Gundam pilot? Dr. J, are you insane?" he growled. The woman, Minerva, frowned.

"Hey, that's sexist, pal!" she said, folding her arms across her chest in an obvious imitation of Wufei. She tapped her foot on the ground. She was wearing a red tank top and snug black pants, along with white ankle-high boots. Her blue eyes narrowed as she glared darkly at Wufei.

Quatre smiled nervously. He didn't like the direction this was taking. "Uh, hello, Miss Blanc. I'm Quatre Winner, Sandrock's pilot," he said, holding out his hand.

The girl threw one more angry glare at Wufei and shook Quatre's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Quatre. And please, just Minerva."

"Duo Maxwell! Your Gundam seems to have been fashioned after MY Gundam, Deathscythe Hell. It is a great pleasure to meet such a lovely young lady, Minerva." he said, giving her grin and bowing too low. She rolled her eyes.

"Nightmare is not fashioned after Deathscythe, Duo." she said boredly. "Ah, Miss Relena Peacecraft," she said, bowing to Relena. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Ma'am."

Relena smiled, and Heero seemed to approve of Minerva just a little. He noticed the way Zechs kept throwing looks at Minerva, then Relena, and was a bit curious. He would have to talk to Zechs.

Minerva was chatting with the rest of the Gundam pilots when Dr. J interrupted.

"First, I would like you all to re-familiarize yourselves with your Gundams, and then we'll talk about the new mission."


All of the Gundams, Wing, Deathscythe, Shenlong, Sandrock, Heavyarms, and the brand-new Nightmare, were in the sky. They all floated in a circle. Duo, as usual, was chatting away.

"I can't wait to find out what it is that requires the use of Deathscythe Hell! I love peace, but I -- the god of death -- don't think I can STAND it!" His face was on everyone's main view screens, and his eyes were shining with excitement. He was rambling on and on about him and Deathscythe Hell being the gods of death. Heero, on the right view screen, was obviously VERY tired of this.

Suddenly, Minerva's face appeared on everyone's main screen, pushing Duo's face to the left screen.

"Hey, Duo. You're the God of Death, ne?" she asked.

"Of course!" was the cocky response. Minerva smiled sweetly.

"Death is partners with Silence, so maybe you should REALLY play your role and shut up for once."

Duo's jaw dropped, and Heero actually grinned. Wufei could be heard trying to muffle his own laughter, and Quatre and Trowa were both doing the same. Duo spluttered incoherently, and Minerva smiled brightly.

"Hey! He's taking my advice!" she giggled.

"HEY! I'M the COMEDIAN here, MISSY!" Duo shouted. Minerva's tinkling laughter filled the speakers. "Hey, where do you get off talking to me that way?!" Duo needed to get at someone... ANYONE! He didn't want all this laughter directed at him!

"HEY! Oh, Heeeeeero! I bet you usually only grin like that when you and Relena are in BED together! Uh oh, looks like Relena should be JEALOUS! Or maybe you two would LIKE a THREESOME?!" he shouted, obviously trying to get everyone to stop laughing at him. Well, it WORKED. A little bit TOO well.

Heero and Minerva had both stopped laughing, and shared similar stony faces. Quatre was gaping in total shock at the image of Duo on his screen, and Wufei was STILL howling with laughter. There was no response from Trowa, although it sounded like he was gagging back laughter. Duo realized, although Wufei and Trowa were laughing, he had gone too far.

Suddenly, Wing's gun and Nightmare's energy rod were pointed at Duo. Duo and Minerva shared a split screen now, and both of their eyes blazed angrily.

"Duo, don't you EVER talk that way about--

"Watch what you say about ---

"Miss Relena!"

Duo gaped at them both. They both seemed surprised by their outbursts. Minerva's face suddenly vanished from the screen, and Nightmare set down on the ground. The girl got out of the huge Mobile Suit, and looked up at Duo's Gundam. She then looked down to the ground, where Relena, Zechs, and DR. J stood, looking up Duo's Gundam in shock.

She got back in the cockpit.

"Duo, Relena and Dr. J and Zechs all heard you say that. They are tapping our lines, probably to see how you all would react to a new and female Gundam pilot," Minerva said, her voice tight and controlled. She wasn't only angry at Duo, but at Dr. J and the people on the ground for eavesdropping.

Duo's Gundam "looked" down, and he began to sweat. No one down there looked very happy....


Later that night, Minerva stood in the meeting room with her arms crossed, looking outside. Duo walked over, and stood there for a few minutes in silence. Finally, he broke it.

"I can't believe it. I thought we got rid o' OZ," he said with a heavy sigh. "When Dr. J told me they were back in action.... Man, I almost screamed." Dr. J had told them that he had had reports of OZ marked mobile dolls attacking outposts.

Duo glanced nervously at Minerva. Her blonde hair, long since out of its ponytail, was rather silvery, and the light from the lamps outside shone on it in tiny wavelets. Her eyes, those amazing blue orbs, stared straight ahead. Duo's eyes couldn't help but slide down the rest of her.

She had a nice figure, and the snug outfit she wore flaunted it, but covered all of the skin on her body except her arms. His brows popped up when he saw a scar marring her arm. It looked like a faint burn scar. He almost reached out to touch it, but caught himself and pulled his hand back.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier," he said after a moment. "I didn't mean to insult you guys... Relena's a nice girl --"

"You think I'm interested in Relena, don't you?" Minerva suddenly asked with a slight smile. "I'm afraid that I'm not interested in a yuri relationship, Mr. Maxwell."

She was smiling, but it was rueful. She sighed. "I'm sorry too. I just like to break the ice with jokes.... Sorry I pulled Nightmare's rod on you. But if you EVER say something like that again, I'll shove it up Deathscythe's ass!" She grinned.

"HA!" Duo barked, relieved that she wasn't upset anymore - he HOPED. "Yeah, I'd like to see ya TRY, girlie! Nightmare beating Shinigami... HA!"

Minerva grinned and turned to Duo, holding out her hand. "Friends?"


They shook on it.


Heero and Zechs were standing in the hallway outside the meeting room. Heero threw a look at the older man.

"I saw the way you were looking at Relena and that Miss Blanc. You were comparing them," Heero said. Zechs nodded.

"I think I've met Miss ... Minerva ... before."

"You say it like it isn't her name."



"It's not."


COPYRIGHT (c) Jamie Carlson, 2000

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