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The Third Peacecraft

Okie! This is the 2nd chapter of my ficcy. Enjoy!

Welcome to the second chapter of The Third Peacecraft. Please enjoy the fic!

"Gundam Wing"

"The Third Peacecraft"

Chapter Two -- Sardines

Minerva Blanc leaned back, wiping the sweat from her brow. This was hard work - she was double-checking the circiutry in Nightmare. It was a bit creepy in the nearly-empty hangar - the seemingly lifeless Gundams sitting around, staring at her.... She grinned. She was cursed with an overactive imagingation.

"Having trouble, Blanc? Repairing mecha is the work of a man." Minerva looked up, and glared darkly at Chang Wufei. The two hadn't gotten along at all since they first met, and the male never missed an oppertunity to attack her.

"Go away before I tell you where to stick your attitude, Wufei," the woman growled. She was tired and didn't want to have to put up with his nonsense. It really bugged her that her first mission would be with him. Duo Maxwell was also on this mission.

"Gladly, woman," Wufei snarled. "You're not exactly preferred company."

"Shut the hell up, Wufei," Minerva replied with an exagerrated sigh, and returned to her work. She heaved a relieved sigh when she heard his footsteps stalk away from her. Alone at last.

After a few seconds of tweaking, Minerva slammed the panel shut, then winced, and checked the area over for dents or scractches. She sighed heavily, and leaned her head against the cool metal of Nightmare's armour.

Minerva's mind was elsewhere, so she jumped when someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder, saying, "Hey, Minerva!" That someone, of course, would be Duo Maxwell.

Minerva grinned. "Hi, Duo." It was a relief to see his cheeky grin and friendly indigo eyes rather than the stern, venomous black eyes of the Chinese pilot. She elbowed Duo playfully. "You scared me! Don't sneak up on my like that, Maxwell!"

Duo laughed. "Why not? I like spookin' you! It's fun!" Minerva made a face at him, but couldn't help grinning. But suddenly, Minerva's smile began to fade. Her eyes looked misty. Duo blinked. "Hey, you okay?"

He took a statled step forward when she bowed her head and whirled around, kneeling to slide her fingers along the edges of the panel, making sure it was securly shut - or making it look like she was making sure it was securly shut.

Duo became all the more worried when two drops of "water" hit the floor in front of her. Slowly, Duo knelt next to Minerva, and put his hands on her shoulders. They were trembling. Sadness filled Duo's features.

"Hey, Min, don't let him get to you..." he said softly, hugging her. "Wu-man's just got a problem with women... It's not your fault --"

"That's not it, Duo. That's not it at all."

Her voice had been so quiet, Duo had had to strain to hear her. He leaned forward, until his cheek was almost touchinf hers. "Then what is it? You can tell me. Ol' Duo's here for ya, Blondie."

But Minerva twisted in his grasp, until she could look him in the eye. Her blue eyes were pained, her mouth set in a har line.

"No, Duo. I can't tell you, and it's rather likely that I never will." A few seconds of uncomfortable silence passed.

Then Duo suddenly realized just how close the two of them were. Duo only had to lean in a few fractions of an inch to place his lips against hers...

Suddenly blushing beet-red, they both jumped up, and away from each other, babbling excsuses - Minerva had to finish checking Nightmare over, and Duo had only been coming through on his way to raid the kitchen... They looked at each other in utter silence for a moment before, blushing to his ears, Duo gave a nervous laugh and walked away.

Blinking several times, Minerva climbed onto the right arm of her Gundam and began maintenence there.

Again, sorry for the cunstruction thing... Ignore the next sentence:


COPYRIGHT (c) Jamie Carlson, 2000

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