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Wedding Plans and many Hands

Hey, it's ME, Jamie-chan. Uh, this is a Work In Progress, so it isn't finished!

Wedding Plans and many Hands

Location: Quatre's Desert Hideaway

Time: 6:15 pm (Dinner)

Date: Sept. 9th AC197


"I have an announcement," comes a familiar voice as the sound of silverware meeting glass rings throughout the dinning hall, "Please, I have an announcement." Treize sits up from his chair and bends down to the floor next to the person sitting to the right of him, taking his hand. " My dear friend, my comrade, and my sweet lover, I now take this ring, and by placing it on your finger ask you if you would marry me, Milliardo?" The crowd is in dead silence, awaiting the arrival of the answer. A straining sound can be heard coming from the direction of Wufei, almost as if some anonymous internal organ were about to bust.

"Yes, Treize, yes, I would love to marry you." Milliardo replied and the two sealed the arrangement with a kiss. Tears could be heard from all around the room, especially in the direction of Quatre. Trowa holding and stroking his hand, trying to calm him a little. No one even noticed that the distraught Wufei had made his exit and was now secluded in a corner somewhere, strenuously polishing his sword. Well, no one noticed until they heard a blood-shattering scream come from the west wing. Of course, it didn't phase them much as they all regained their focus back to the two still kissing at one end of the table.

"Excuse me," Lt. Alex said as he removed himself from the table, "I believe someone might be in need of my services." He smiled and made his way toward the now arousing tormented one. Everyone except Quatre knew what he was insinuating, Lt. Alex being the neighborhood slut and all.

"Well, it's incredible how intent one guy can be about getting his kicks around here!" Duo laughed, now noticing that everyone was looking at him. Quatre holding his hand to his face almost in shock and Trowa taking a second out of revitalizing him to stare Duo down. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to uh-" Heero cut him off with a swift elbow to the ribs and grabbed him by the scuff of his... well, let's just say neck.

"Sorry," Heero said in his standard monotone, dragging a protesting Duo out the door. Duo making a few last jokes and remarks before he was too far down the hall to be understood. The girls around the table let loose a few giggles and Relena made her exit after them, worried about what would happen in their absence. Dorothy looked on, but remained at the table; sure Heero wouldn't give into Relena's pleas.

"Well, it seems that dinner should be settling down anytime now," said Noin as her and Sally got up and headed out. The noise from the two making their exit caught Milliardo and Treize off guard, both unraveling from one another's embrace to notice half the guest have already taken their leave.

"Well, I guess I better make my dramatic exit, if you know what I mean," Howard said, nudging the still slightly shocked Quatre who just looked at him puzzled. It seemed Trowa strained for a smile and Howard got the gist and headed out. Dorothy finished off what was left of her drink, made a polite bow to the two "fiances" and walked to her room.

"I hope you don't mind if we leave as well," said Quatre with slight rose tint to his cheeks.

"Oh, sure, you don't need to ask," Treize mumbled, his gaze remaining on his love.

"This is your house Quatre after all;" Milliardo said taking a quick glaze and giving Quatre a wink, Quatre instantly blushed again. Trowa escorted him out, and they went on their way.

"Well, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Treize with a slight smurk to his face.

"Lead the way, my Prince," Milliardo replied Treize than swept him up in his arms and cradled him back to there little abode.


As Quatre and Trowa were almost to their little suite, they heard something come from Wufei's room. Trowa noticing it wasn't anymore of his crying (at least not the type from earlier) hurriedly ushered Quatre along and finally settled down to "rest".


"So, was it good for you," a pleased Lt. Alex asked his "new" partner.

"Well, it's not like I can say I've had better," Wufei grumbled to himself.

"Aw, nothing like the tainting of virgin soil to bring about my spirits!" Lt. Alex said as he turned to his lover. He traced the line from Wufei's brow to his chin.

"It would have been better if I got top!!" Wufei grumbled

"Maybe next time," Lt. Alex purred into his ear.

"NEXT TIME!!!" Wufei yelped, "There won't be a next time, you , you...."

"Fine then, I'll see my services tended to elsewhere, hmph..." Lt. Alex snaps as he gathers his clothes and heads out the door. "Don't expect anymore favors from me!!" And he slams the door. Wufei just rolled over in his bed and fell asleep due to his previous exhausting.


Lt. Alex spotted Relena outside of Heero and Duo's room. "Excuse me, there, sweet thang," Lt. Alex said, as he slid his way next to her.

"Oh, pardon me, I was just, uh-"

"Trying to get in on the action?!"

"Oh, ah, well, not exactly. I really was just-"

"Oh, I see-"

"Um, I'm gonna.. a go and... check on Noin now. You.. you know, she might need my help!"

"Um, help indeed," Lt. Alex ended as Relena slipped into Noin's room.

"AHHHHH!!!" Relena screamed as she rushed back out into the hallway, "Uh, gotta go, Night Lt. Alex." She said as she made a mad dash to her room. Noin popped her head out the door.

"Relena!! Next time you should knock!" she yelled down after her. Noin pulled her head back in as Sally began to complain on her absence. Lt. Alex just through his head back against the door.

"Need any help in there you two?!" He asked through the door.

"No!" they yelled in unison.

Oh well, he thought to himself. Just then, Dorothy made it onto the scene. "Something bothering you, Lt. Alex, you're all alone?" Dorothy asked teasingly.

"Well, actually, do you think you might be able to-"

"I really must continue on my quest."

"Quest, quest for what," Lt. Alex asked confused as she passed by and made her way down the hall.

"The quest I like to call RELENA PEACECRAFT," she yelled back, raising her hand into the air and then turning around the corner after her "Holy Grail".

"Oh well, guess no more fun for Mr. Jolly Ole tonight!" And with that, Lt. Alex finally went to his OWN room.


"Relena! Wait up!" Dorothy rang out. Relena paused at the end of the corridor and waited for her to catch up.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Well, you know...."

"Yes?" Dorothy almost jumped her like a lion to it's prey, pushing Relena up against the wall.

"Ah, Dorothy..-"

"Sh, don't speak, can't you see what's going on around here?"

"What, you mean everyone having sex?"

"Not exactly, but all the love, around us-" Dorothy moved in close to Relena's face. Relena started to squirm, but Dorothy was much stronger than she expected and she gave up. Just as she did, Dorothy went in for a kiss. At first, out of shock, Relena just stood there, and then without realizing it, she began to return it. Their soft lips roaming over one another as Dorothy used her tongue to part Relena's lips. Dorothy began to unbutton the front of Relena's overcoat and Relena began to take off Dorothy's tie and then began on her shirt, them both slowly descending to the floor in a wave of passion. Lt. Alex, with his sex sonar picked up the signal from Dorothy and Relena's frenzy down the hall. Wufei, in his room, woke to the sounds of giggles and soft moans outside his door.

"Ack!! How is a man supposed to get sleep around this sex joint?" He buried his head under his pillow and tried to get back to sleep. As Relena and Dorothy, now only in their underwear were paused by a loud groan coming from the room a little down the hall.

"Oh!! Trowa... gasp...."

"Ahh!! will this ever stop!!" Wufei screamed into the night, only to be returned with more moans and gasp.

"Hey man," came a familiar voice through the wall, "You had your fun, now it's their turn, let those kids enjoy themselves." *Man, I remember being their age* Howard thought to himself... *hehe.. yeah....* as he went back to sleep.

"Ahh! I'm going for a walk." Wufei said to himself. He threw, what was left of his clothes on and made his way outside. As he walked out to the patio and leaned over the edge, watching the sun come up, he thought to himself how the hell he ever got screwed up with these people, literally!! Just then he heard a soft cry from under the patio. As he took a better look, there, next to the rose bushes outside, he saw the outlinines of Treize and Milliardo, still embraced. Geez, that self-centered bastard! Doesn't he even know how I .. well, felt for him... urgh....God that's it! I have to get my own place! Or at least a room on the first floor!! Geez! He made his way back up to his room, his companions apparently "calmed" down. He could still fit in a couple of hours of sleep.

"Sleep tight, Milliardo," whispered Treize as he laid a soft kiss on his brow and pulled the blanket they brought with them over the two. Milliardo "instinctively" wrapped his arm around Treize's bare chest and they were both asleep.


Location: Quatre's Desert Hideaway

Time: 8:03 am (Breakfast)

Date: Sept. 10th AC197


Relena woke up to find herself halfway dressed in the corner of the hallway. *What the...* she thought to herself. She gathered what remained of yesterdays clothing and scampered off to her room, quickly passing by a astonished Duo who only made little growling noises as in some sort of applause. Himself, only wearing some black silk boxer with little red smooch marks. "Hey Heero, guess what I just saw!" Duo gladly blurted out as he entered their room. Heero of course was busy typing on his computer. Duo wrapped his arms around Heero and laid his head on his shoulder, looking at the screen. "Well, Relena was just running down the hall towards her room in her underwear!" at that Heero paused, his fingers stopping for a sec in there typing. But being the usual Heero, he recovered quickly and returned to his typing. Duo took a chance and started kissing on his neck while slowly sneaking his hand up the back of Heero's usual tank top. Heero closed his eyes into the moment and reopened his eyes to the sound of knocking. "Well, if it isn't little Miss Hallway Quick Bang," duo whispered into Heero's ear. Heero let a small smirk cross his blank expression and headed to the door.

"What do you want," he said in normal cold tone.

"Well, um, Heero," Relena just looked towards the ground,"It's nothing Heero." With that Heero quickly shut the door and returned to typing, Duo strapped around his shoulders like a backpack.

"Hey Heeeerooo....." Duo said with a sexy tone as he went back to Heero's neck. Heero, with ease, grabbed Duo and whisked him around onto his lap and began to deeply kiss the American pilot. With his other hand, Heero began to strip duo of his clothing. Finding one of Duo's nipples as he removed his own shirt and began teasing him. Both their tongues caressing one another as they made their way to the bed and sank into it's many sheets and blankets.