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Pilot Skills

When you all joined the hangar, you were novices. You are learning the skills you need to be an excellent pilot as you go. We've compiled this list of the 32 skills that characters may acquire throughout the course of the game.
Most skills will become avaiable to a character through the purchasing of mobile suits. Normally a character will get his/her choice of one (perhaps two) skills to start to train him/herself in upon purchasing a suit. Players get Pilot Experience (PEXP) to distribute among their abilities as they play. Get enough PEXP, and a skill will go up a level, heightening your piloting ability. Not all skills are necessary to have. A pilot may choose to pump all his PEXP into one skill if they want, creating a pilot who excels greatly in one area, but is weak in most others. On the other hand, you can also spread out your PEXP, creating a well-rounded pilot. Do whatever you want.
PEXP may be awarded in various ways. Participating in battles will usually net you some PEXP, depending on how actively you participated. You can be granted some PEXP by completing missions, or perhaps even talking to the right people. PEXP might also drop out of the sky every so often if you're good...

Aggressive Piloting
Maneuver Skill
Conservative Piloting
Movement Proficiency
Endurance Mastery
Psycommu Resist
Sensor 1-4
Physical Stamina
Pilot Talkativeness
Emotional Control
Weapon Familiarity
Excessive Brutality
Humanitarian Piloting
Fear of Death
Recoil Stances
Weather Observance
Focus Fire
Terrain Mastery
Use Psycommu
Strategic Retreat

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