In reality, these weapons are not really rods, but more like whips. A heat rod in experienced hands can be nothing more than a blur in a mobile suit's monitors, a blazing trail of deadly fire. Most models can be switched to generate immense heat (hence the name HEAT rod), rendering most mobile suit armor no more protective than paper. Reach is limited, but some developers are producing longer models. Skill is needed to use a heat rod to its full potential.
(Model Number). (Weapon Name). (Maximum shots, if applicable). (Price).
(Attack Level). (Attack Name)...(Damage, if applicable). (Attack properties). (Upgrade cost, if applicable)
Epy-01HR. Epyon Heat Rod. Coupled with an 8% Shield. 6300c
Lv 1. Whip…Att. Range=a curvy 3. /// Lv 1. Shield Stance…simple defend.
Lv 4. Whip Dance…Att+3. May hit all in range opponents. Rng=curvy 3. 5.