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Head mounted Vulcans

A common feature on gundams are vulcan cannons built directly into the head. These are usually only for support, with most of the damage dealt by weapons in the hands. All Gundams come with the sockets for head vulcans, but other mobile suits need either sockets built or they can opt to use simple pods that attach to the exterior of the head.

(Model Number). (Weapon Name). (Maximum shots, if applicable). (Price).
(Attack Level). (Attack Name)...(Damage, if applicable). (Attack properties). (Upgrade cost, if applicable)

HV-pod-PType. Head Vulcan pods. 25 shots. 2500c
Lv 1. Tiny Shot...1. One shot.
Lv 3. Rapid shot...1x 1-5. 1-5 shots, depending on the number picked. 3.

HV-GDam-PType. Gundam style head vulcans. 30 Shots. 3001c
Lv 1. GDam HV Shot...2. One shot.
Lv 5. Assist...4. May fire while using another attack. Three shots. 6