A large scale adaptation of the human weapon, mobile suit machine guns are not much different than their tiny counterparts. Automatic versions are available, as well as semi-automatic. Clips are large, but shots aren't powerful. These weapons are usually cheap.
(Model Number). (Maximum shots, if applicable). (Price).
(Attack Level). (Attack Name)...(Damage, if applicable). (Attack properties). (Upgrade cost, if applicable)
150mm Machine Gun. 20 Shots. 3400c
Lv 1. One Round…Wep. Two shots.
Lv 3. Multiple Shot…Wep+(1xd4). D4+1 shots. 4.
300mm Machine Gun. 17 Shots. 3800c
Lv 1. One Round…Wep+1. Two shots.
Lv 4. Velocity…Wep+1. May hit two mobile suits in a line, passing through the first and stopping at the second. Three Shots. 5.